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2081368 - Targeted CR List for ASE 15.7 ESD#1 Refresh #1 - SAP ASE


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) EBF/SP or PL releases. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.


CR number



A 2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object ...", may be raised when there are two sessions running the same MERGE statement concurrently against a table with unique index.


In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, a 8201 error "Keep count of descriptor (objid= < id > , dbid= < id > ) was expected to be 1. Instead 0 was found." may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'des__unkeep' and 'close_range' when an INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE is executed on a table that has many referential integrity constraints defined and after the execution of one of its triggers. Alternatively the message "infected with 11" in the modules 'seq_schema_check_virtab' or 'LeScanOp::_LeOpOpen' may be reported.


When using the distribution by connection model and "ddl path for unbound objects" is set to "default", DDL is not replicated to the correct path.


In ASE Cluster Edition, during cluster reboot after a shutdown cluster with no_wait has happened, in rare circumstances the cluster is not bootable, with 12314 error and a stack trace with "des__set_clstats".


The message, " Expected object passed to kmuxtskGetThreadpool is not of type Multiplexed Task", is reported in the errorlog.


Error 9275, "Could not locate the before image for the INSERT log record at ( < page_number > , < row_number > ).", may be reported by the RepAgent thread when a table that has compressed rows is marked for replication, resulting in the RepAgent thread terminating itself.


In-place upgrade from older versions of ASE to ASE 15.7 may fail because the new ASE fails to start with error "The configured value '4096' for parameter 'kernel resource memory' is too low.". This occurs when ASE is configured with large "number of user connections" and "open indexes".


When the Job Scheduler is setup on a server whose master database is replicated, the replication of the DDL command executed on the primary ASE by the JS task to set the password of the 'jstask' user fails due to missing credentials in the LTL sent by RepAgent to Replication Server.


Errors 10850, 10860 and 10861 are wrongly reported as EX_USER, they should be EX_INFO.


ASE on Solaris platforms reports 694 or 823 errors along with messages like "kernel sddone: write error on virtual disk 3 block 145536", "kernel sddone: 16384 bytes passed, 0 returned on write for virt disk 3 block 145536" or "kernel sddone: read error on virtual disk 6 block 6812351", "kernel sddone: I/O error". There are no corresponding disk i/o error messages reported in the Operating System logs.


A 7153 error, "Premature end-of-message received while reading TEXT data from network. Host program may have stopped responding or may be sending TEXT data containing a partial character at the end.", may be reported in the error log during the replication of a table that has compressed TEXT/IMAGE data.


ASE running in Threaded kernel mode does not generate shared memory dump if CSMD condition is encountered by a non-engine thread.


UNION query (using MERGE or HASH UNION operators) against semantically partitioned table may fail to remove duplicates when executed in parallel mode with constant literal search arguments for predicates on each side of the union operator.


Replication Agent may incorrectly send "remove table" to Replication Server when a stored procedure is removed from the schema cache.


Permission is denied when a procedure is executed as a RPC event not as a LANGUAGE event.


In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace which includes the module 'jvmh_utl_printn' may be reported in the error log when ASE attempts to bootstrap the COTS JVM. This will result in Java operations being impossible to execute.


The error message, "symbol _port_dispatch: referenced symbol not found", may be reported on Solaris 11 platforms. The '_port_dispatch' function call is no longer supported on Solaris 11 and is replaced by 'port_send'.


The ASE server is unable to online an additional engine in Process kernel mode if Kerberos is enabled. The engine online will fail with the message, "engine < engine_id > , os pid < os_pid > exited" reported in the error log.


In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with signal 11" together with a stack trace may be reported when involving compressed tables.


The error, "Page Verification Error: Page mismatch. Page # contains # in page header", may be reported in the Backup Server log file if the database has two fragments on a database device where first logical page of the first fragment is smaller than the first logical page of the second but the first virtual page number of the second fragment is smaller than the first virtual page of the second.


Dumping on Windows using 'WITH COMPRESSION' clause can perform worse that the same command using the API library "compress::".


In installations with large number of user connections, the message "current process infected with signal 11" together with a stack trace involving the function sybcsi_default_entropy() may be reported from the housekeeper chores process or the job scheduler process.


A 3146 error, "ASE cannot load this database dump because the version in the dump is newer than the version in the database...", may be reported when a database dump from a Cluster Edition server is loaded in a newer SMP server.


A 706 message, "Process < pid > tried to remove PROC_HDR < prochdr address > that it does not hold in Pss.", may be reported in the errorlog when either the 'streamlined dynamic SQL' or 'enable functionality group' configuration options is enabled and recompilation occurs while a dynamic SQL query is being executed and an exception occurs during the recompilation.


In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with signal 11" together with a stack trace that include the modules collocate(),LeSubst() and getnext() may be reported when compressed tables are involved in the query.


In rare circumstances, the message, "Could not locate the before image for the INSERT log record", may be reported in the error log when replication is on the page-compressed table.


The message, "The Begin Timestamp= < ts1 > of the completing transaction in database < dbid > is lower than the Database Commit Timestamp= < ts2 > ", may be printed in the error log together with a stack trace that contains the modules dbts_commits_remxdes() and xact_end_session() when chained transactions are used, and ASE is started with the diagserver binary.


In rare circumstances, when replicating compressed LOB data, the replicate ASE may raise error 7153, and the Replication Server may abort the connection.


When using ASE Multiple Path Replication with distribution per connection and while replicating LOB data, the Replication Server DSI may shut down itself with either error 5139, "DSI encountered an error when processing an rs_writetext command for object ' < Object Name > ', text column ' < Column Name > '. This rs_writetext command is not marked as the first chunk for the column. However, there is no previous rs_writetext command that is marked as the first text chunk." or error 5147, "DSI encountered an error when trying to do writetext operation for object ' < Object Name > ', column ' < Column Name > '. The data row that the writetext command is associated with is missing.". Under rare circumstances the Replication Server may also shut down itself.


A 7153 error, "Premature end-of-message received while reading text data from network. Host program may have stopped responding or may be sending text data containing a partial character at the end.", may be reported when replicating in-row LOB data that is marked as "replicate_if_changed" and the UPDATE statement does not modify the in-row LOB data.


When upgrading from a pre-15.7 ASE version that does not support compression, RepAgent ASE 15.7 incorrectly assumes that compression is on for uncompressed tables.


The message, "Current process (0x < value > ) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'kbfalloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra__process_xtext' and 'ra__process_txtblk' may be reported in the error log when replicating large, compressed TEXT columns.


In rare circumstances, when replicating compressed IMAGE/UNITEXT LOB data, the replicate ASE may raise a 7153 error, "Premature end-of-message received while reading text data from network. Host program may have stopped responding or may be sending text data containing a partial character at the end", and the Replication Server may abort the connection.



  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 Cluster Edition


CR, ASE 15.7 ESD#1 Refresh #1, ASE 15.7, ESD#1, ESD 1, Refresh #1,Refresh 1, Adaptive, Server, Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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