You have questions related to SAP HANA table distribution.
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SAP HANA, platform edition
Table distribution, redistribution, RSDU_TABLE_CONSISTENCY, DDO, Data Distribution Optimizer, DWF, privilege, RESOURCE ADMIN, DATA ADMIN, CATALOG READ, ALTER, SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse, BW, table_placement, same_num_partitions, table_redist, all_moves_physical, force_partnum_to_splitrule, method, roll-back, stop, maintenance window, save a table distribution plan, REORG_GENERATE, Add host, Remove host, Save distribution, Restore table distribution, Optimize table distribution, optimize table partitioning 2081591 , KBA , slave , master , master node , slave node , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , Problem
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