SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2082878 - Cannot create Java VM instance from library '' - Unrecognized option - negative parameter


The Java engine is failing at startup phase with similar error stack:

J Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx-737m

J Unrecognized option: -XX:MaxNewSize=-246m

J Invalid initial heap size: -Xms-737m

J Unrecognized option: -XX:NewSize=-246m

F [Thr 140705739536128] *** ERROR => SfEStartupError: SfCSapVm::createJavaVM: Cannot create Java VM instance from library '' (rc = -6). [sfxxjvm.hpp 1174]

F [Thr 140705739536128] *** ERROR => Java thread failed: SfEStartupError: Cannot create Java VM instance from library '' (rc = -6)



SAP NetWeaver Release Independent


SAP NetWeaver all versions


configuration, jvm, memory , KBA , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , BC-JVM , SAP Java Virtual Machine , Problem

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