A stacktrace occurs executing a query on the systransactions table:
ubo_object_from_slot:Pss Invalid slot id 0
An internal memory management error has occurred. Error code: Invalid slot id.
pc: 0x0000000100288e78 pcstkwalk+0x7c()
pc: 0x00000001002895a8 ucstkgentrace+0x238()
pc: 0x0000000100289c24 ucbacktrace+0xe4()
pc: 0x00000001002899e0 ubo_object_from_slot__fdpr_1+0x48()
pc: 0x0000000100017d20 pss_getunkept_pss+0x20()
pc: 0x0000000100a50b24 sysxacts__fmtrow_from_xdes+0x148()
[Handler pc: 0x000000010027a39c std_handle installed by the following function:-]
pc: 0x0000000100a518a4 sysxacts_materialize+0x244()
pc: 0x0000000100a19c34 make_fake__fdpr_4+0x68()
pc: 0x000000010013bda8 s__setup_tabsdes__fdpr_11+0x30()
pc: 0x0000000100010e8c s_setuptables__fdpr_1+0x8()
pc: 0x000000010000b388 s_execute__fdpr_2+0x10()
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.3 EBF 12457
track trace,ubo_object_from_slot , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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