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2082949 - ASE fails to start as a Windows Service and returns a storage access error - SAP ASE


  • When starting SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise as a Windows Service, the status remains in 'starting' and ASE fails to boot with a segmap error and a stacktrace.

  • The ASE error log includes the following messages:

Adaptive Server Enterprise (Enterprise Edition) 

Using config area from primary master device.
Warning: Using default file 'F:\sybase\xxxx\xxx.cfg' since a configuration file was not specified. Specify a configuration file name in the RUNSERVER file to avoid this message.
attempted read from memory location 0000000000000000 from instruction at location 0x000000000093B250
Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception (0xc0000005) generated by a storage access violation.
Symbolic stack trace information is successfully loaded

strtok_r+ 0x20 (0x000000000364BBB0, 0x
dmpld_dmphist_version_check+ 0x346 (0x
cfg__verifyconfig+ 0x48 (0x00000000036
cfg_verifyinfo+ 0x179 (0x0000000000006
kiconfig+ 0x2bc (0x0000000000000000, 0
kistartup+ 0x228 (0x0000000000000000,
servermain+ 0x1ee9 (0x0000000000000000
scm__main+ 0x5e (0x0000000000212780, 0
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExA+ 0x269 (
BaseThreadInitThunk+ 0xd (0x0000000000




SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 on Windows 2008 R2


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


exception, storage access violation.  , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To

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