During the ASE boot sequence, tempdb fails to recover with sddone errors, user database recovery fails with errors 921 and 6103 and is accompanied by stacktraces:
- The ASE log contains the following error messages:
- Clearing temp db
Processed 1045 allocation unit(s) out of 10448 units (allocation page 267264). 10% completed.
Processed 2090 allocation unit(s) out of 10448 units (allocation page 534784). 20% completed
sddone: write error on virtual disk 12 block 36096:
sddone: No such device or address
Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2
I/O error detected during wait for BUF=0x000001006874a270, MASS=0x000001006874a270, Buf#=0, page=0x0000010061532000, dbid=2, Mass vdevno=12, vpage=36096, Buf lpage=0, Mass stat=0x80908, Buf stat=0x1, size=2048, cid=0 ('default data cache'), Pinned xdes=0x0000000000000000, spid=0. - Error: 921, Severity: 14, State: 1
Database 'XXXX' has not been recovered yet - please wait and try again. - WARNING: Pss 0x000001001207f2c8 found with open sdes. pspid 1, psuid 0, pcurdb 1, system table entry 0, sdesp 0x0000010010ac1790, objid 1.
- Error: 6103, Severity: 17, State: 1
Unable to do cleanup for the killed process; received Msg 823.
Current process (0x2d60116) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Address 0x0000000080b9a62c (alloc_dirtychains+0x28), siginfo (code, address) = (1, 0x0000000000004458) - KEY FUNCTIONS REFERENCED IN THE STACKTRACE:
LeWkTbl::crtWkTbl(const int,const short,const int)
LeRetnCode LeHashOp::_LeOpAcquire(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeNLJOp::_LeOpAcquire(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeSortOp::_LeOpAcquire(ExeCtxt&
LeRetnCode LeSQFilterOp::_LeOpAcquire(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeRestrictOp::_LeOpAcquire(ExeCtxt&)
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
infected fake sysprocesses online , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , Bug Filed
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