- "The SCEP Server returned an invalid response" when attempting to provision an iOS device through Relay Server.
- Looking into the CA Logs it seems the Afaria Enrollment Server does not send any request to the CA cause there are no Logs showing up about any Error.
- The <aips folder>\bin\ServerSCEPtest.exe is running fine, not showing any error and getting the desired Certificates.
- No Relay Server is configured in the Certificate Authority settings
- In the A_IPHONE_SETTINGS table the value for coloumn "UsePsScep" is set to "T", which means the Afaria Server is enabled for Proxing the CA Access.
- SAP Afaria 7 Service Pack 5
- SAP Afaria Relay Server
SAP Afaria 7.0
SP5, Service Pack 5, SCEP, invalid response, , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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