In the drop down selection of legal forms for Suppliers the desired legal form is not shown.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Supplier Base work center.
- Go to the Suppliers view.
- Edit - General the Supplier XYZ (XYZ is the identification of the supplier).
- Select the Legal Form drop down.
The desired legal form is not found in the drop down selection.
As per standard system design only a limited amount of Legal Forms are available in the drop down selection.
You can add new legal forms in the business configuration.
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Go to the Implementation Projects view.
- Select Show: All Open Projects.
- Select the relevant project and press the Open Activity List button.
- Select the activity General Business Partners and press the Open button.
- Select Maintain Legal Forms.
- Click the Add Row Button.
Here you can maintain the missing legal form.
KBA , legal forms , suppliers , SRD-MD-BP , Business Partner , How To
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