SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2083930 - Top 10 Troubleshooting Tips for Compensation - Employee Central Pay Guide Integration


  • Troubleshooting tips: Compensation & Employee Central Pay Guide Integration.
  • This information is presented for partners and customer support.
  • Clients that manage their own programs can also benefit from this information.


  • SAP SuccessFactors Compensation
  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central


Troubleshooting tips

Compensation - Employee Central Pay Guide Integration

  • All pay range foundation objects must be complete.
  • If a currency code is missing from one pay range record, worksheets containing pay guide fields will not launch from the template.
  • Frequency of pay range must match pay frequency of employee. 
  • If there is a mismatch, pay guide will display with NA values. It will happen even if there is a mismatch in frequency, currency, payGrade or any of the attributes.
  • The compensation plan template must refer to the EC comp-pay-matrix effective date: <comp-pay-matrix><comp-pay-matrix-effective-date>2013-10-1<comp-pay-matrix-effective-date></comp-pay-matrix>
  • The effective date of the pay range must be before or equal to the effective date of comp-pay-matrix <comp-pay-matrix><comp-pay-matrix-effective-date>2013-10-1<comp-pay-matrix-effective-date></comp-pay-matrix> in the template.
  • payGrade matching:
    • If an entry matches all the criteria of a pay range (exact matching), this pay range will win.
    • If there is no exact matching pay range the system will try to find a pay range that matches all the other criteria except for the currency; and whose currency is functional currency.
    • If there exists such a pay range, the pay range will win.
    • payGrade is not associated with payRange, or payGrade is not the first association with payRange.
      • In this case, we will fail to match payRange and the pay range in the form will be N/A.
  •  For EC pay matrix, 
    • If no comp-pay-matrix-attribute is specified for comp-pay-matrix, the following fields must be defined in the form template:
      • payGrade, salaryType, localCurrencyCode, and the first three entities (except payGrade) associated with pay range in corporate data model must be defined as field in form template.
    • If comp-pay-matrix-attribute(s) are specified for comp-pay-matrix, the following fields must be defined in the form template:
      • payGrade, salaryType, localCurrencyCode, and all the fields referenced by comp-pay-matrix-attribute(s)


compensation, ec , pay range, pay grade, compensation pay range, ec pay range, comp-pay-range, salay range, pay matrix , KBA , sf compensation with ec , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , LOD-SF-CMP-EC , EC data, EC mappings, configuration & settings , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions