- comp-ect-input-field-mapping in budget-calc to tell from which EC component/field the budget will be from.
- When budget is configured to be Based On = user error is encountered when saving the configuration
Error: comp-ect-input-field-map on budget-calc (budgetOn=****) is required for Comp-EC integration template.
- SAP SuccessFactors Compensation
- SAP SuccessFactors Variable Pay
- SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
For EC integrated templates with Budget configured to be based on users a mapping to an EC component/field is required to tell where the budget will be from.
Configuration example as can be seen in the template's xml.
<budget-calc useFor="salary" budgetOn="merit" mode="PercentOfCurSal" basedOn="user" prorating="false" hidePercentage="false" applyRounding="true">0.0
<comp-ect-input-field-map componentType="jobInfo" fieldName="custom-double2"/>
Variable Pay
<budget-calc useFor="varpay" mode="PercentOfCalculatedResultsBasis" hidePercentage="false" prorating="false" budgetOn="resultsBudget" applyRounding="true" useFinalPayoutForVPBudget="false" includeIneligible="false" basedOn="user">100.0
<comp-ect-input-field-map fieldName="AnnualizedSalary" componentType="compInfo"/>
For templates in hybrid mode, both importKey and comp-ect-input-field-map are required.
Note: any changes as to how your existing program is configured and integrates with EC will require an Implementation Partner or Professional Services engagement.
Important: If the budget is not basedOn="user", do not add the comp-ect-input-field-map definition to your XML, as this can incorrectly trigger validation errors on other parts of the system (such as Design Worksheet) when saving. Recreate your budget to remove the code, or file a change request to edit your budget on the XML level
sf, success factors, CMP, VRP, EC, comp-ect-input-field-map, basedon, budgeton, ec budget, budget, CMP-4604 , KBA , sf compensation budgets , sf compensation with ec , LOD-SF-CMP-EC , EC data, EC mappings, configuration & settings , LOD-SF-VRP-EC , Employee Central data, configuration , How To