- Plan Details: Budget - Eligibility - Guidelines - Rating Sources
Admin > Compensation Administration > Manage Compensation Plan Template. Find the template you want to use, and click Eligibility Rules.
The distinct steps in defining eligibility for employeesDefine the eligibility rules for your compensation plan template. You can Add New Rule, Remove Rule, Edit Rule or Clone an existing rule.
After worksheets are live and you import new users or change employee data that might impact eligibility then again you need to return to the rules screen and click APPLY button to update existing worksheets.
- Customers that traditionally have used the other _ELIGIBLE flags in the user data import, such as COMPENSATION_STOCK_ELIGIBLE = TRUE value, should take careful note that this data will override the eligibility engine rules. Therefore, in order to have the Eligibility Rule(s) to work correctly, you should remove any hard-coded TRUE/FALSE values from your compensation user data import and solely rely on the rules set in compensation self service.
- Once you have configured your rules, don't forget to click "Apply" to apply the rule(s). You can see at the top of the page when the rules were last applied.
- Eligibility Rules are case sensitive. Make sure to use capital words when needed (e.g. 'Band-E' is different from 'BAND-E').
- Compensation
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