SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2084543 - Compensation - How cascading Budget Assignment works and how it's configured


  • This KBA outlines how cascading budget can be acheived within Compensation.
  • If you are new to Compensation and you are unsure how the existing template is setup to assign budgets, please contact your partner or support to have this checked.

**Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental**


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation



  • This is a legacy feature and an older method of budgeting. Very few clients use this method currently.
  • We would recommend you continue to assign budgets based your current template configuration.
  • This feature is in maintenance mode only and has not been enhanced.
  • Budget grouping does not work when using a budget based on planner/directamount.
  • Using directamount on planner mode, the budget is not calculated at user level but at planner level. Therefore in ADHOC the entries are not at user level.
    So, there is no way to map the worksheet or planner level budget to individual entries.

Cascading Budget - Standard

Before you can cascade your budget, you will need to setup the budget as follows via Plan Setup> Plan Details.

  1. Select "Add Budget Calculation".
  2. Here select the Mode to be "DirectAmount" and the Based On to be "planner".
    budget directamount.png
  3. Once this is defined and saved, exit the plan and go back into it so the changes can take effect.
  4. Under Manage Worksheets you will now see a new section labelled "Budget" with "Budget Assignment" as a hyperlink. Here is where you can cascade your budget.

    budget assignment.png

How to Cascade a Budget

Please note that the steps below show how the cascading can be done by someone with administrative rights to the system:

  1. Go to the Budget Assignment link under Compensation Administration;
  2. Pick the Template which you setup the cascading budget in;
  3. Click on the "Add Head of Hierarchy" button and select the user to be the person at the top of the budget "chain" using the Find User capability;
  4. Enter the % or Amount that person has to allocate;
  5. Click Blue Arrow to Send Budget to head of hierarchy;
  6. Click on the person's name;
  7. Cascade Budget Check Box is a permission to allow a person to cascade the budget to their direct/indirect reports.
  8. Only employees who have a 2 or more levels below will have the Cascade Budget checkbox available
  9. You can put in a % or amount next to each manager's name and click on the save button to set the budget for those planners;
  10. By Clicking on the Cascade Budget check box, and clicking on the Propagate button next to that planner's name, it will cascade the budget down to that planner where he/she can then determine the amount to be applied to his/her planners budgets.

Please review the following for planners to have access to this feature:

  1. Go to Admin Tools, Compensation Management Permission;
  2. Make sure the link to manage it for individual users is selected, then search to find the planner, and grant them access;
  3. When the planner logs in, the Compensation Link will appear under Quicklinks;
  4. You will notice a category for Compensation forms which will list all Compensation forms that the planner has access to;
  5. There will also be a section for Budget Assignments - this is where the planner can assign budgets. Please note if they have access to the Executive Report that will appear also;
  6. Click on the Compensation Form under Budget Assignments

Cascading Budget - Based on Custom Column

While using budget assignment you do have an option to use custom columns.

Per current design the custom column being used for this budget type should adhere to the following:

  • The field ID referenced in this formula could be standard fields or custom fields with import key only. Standard fields could be curSalary, unitsPerYear, lumpSumTarget and lumpSum2Target only
  • The operators used in this formula could be (, ), +, -, * and / only. Other operators and functions are not supported

Please follow these steps to use this.

  1. Create a custom column which you would like the budget to be based on
    budget assignment custom column formula.png
  2. The next section can only be configured at XML level. You will therefore need to speak to your partner to add the following section into your template XML;
  3. Add this tag <budget-assignment-base-custom-field>customField8</budget-assignment-base-custom-field> to your XML;
  4. Below is a screenshot for this example. This should also be added just above the <final-pay-grade useFor="finalRatio"/> tag in the tenmplate XMLbudget assignment custom column.png
  5. Once your template is imported go to Manage Worksheets> Budget Assignment and refresh your current budget or add your hierarchy. Below is an example of this

    custom budget assignment.png
  6. Launch a new worksheet and see the results. In the screenshot below we can see the overall budget allocated is a calculation which is coming from our custom column define in the template XML.

budget assignment custom column worksheet.png


You cannot currently use a custom column which is directly mapped to EC, reference this in a second column via a formula to then have this as part of the formula used for the directamount budget. Should you attempt to do this, you will get the following validation error:

budget assignment validation error.png

A way around this would be to have an import key in this custom column for nonEC users or use one of the standard columns mentioned above mapped to a EC field of your choosing. For example, the formula for the budget in the above example is (curSalary)*lumpSumTarget

We had the lumpSumTarget mapped to an EC field which will work:

custom column for budget assignment.png

Cascading Stock

You are also able to use the cascading budget feature for stock:

  1. This can be defined as follows within the budget screen
    cascading stock budget.png
  2. Under Manage Worksheets> Budget Assignments you will now see an option to cascade your stock budget based on units
    cascade stock options.png
  3. Launch a worksheet and you will see this cascaded budget reflected
    example stock budget.png


  • We DO NOT support stock factor tables within an EC integrated template. You will get the following error
    stock factors error.png
  • We DO support cascading budgets for EC integrated templates, however the template cannot be stock only.
  • We recommend using an EC integrated template with salary tab rather than using stock-factors as this can be accomplished through custom columns and lookup tables to split planned units into different allocation types

If the requirement is to have the stock tab only, then the following will be a workaround (this workaround is only valid for non EC templates):

  1. Firstly, configure the stock template will all configuration, standard fields, custom fields, lookup tables etc
  2. In the template xml via provisioning add the following fields.

    <comp-field-definition id="unitsPerYear" isCustomField="false" isVisible="true" useFor="salary" readOnly="false" hidePercentage="false" hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false" reloadable="false" displayOrder="0">

    <comp-field-label><![CDATA[EC unitsPerYear]]></comp-field-label>

    <comp-ect-input-field-map componentType="payComponentRecurring"/>


    <comp-field-definition id="localCurrencyCode" isCustomField="false" isVisible="true" useFor="salary" readOnly="false" hidePercentage="false" hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false" reloadable="false" displayOrder="1"><comp-field-label><![CDATA[EC localCurrencyCode]]></comp-field-label>

    <comp-ect-input-field-map componentType="payComponentRecurring"/>


    <comp-field-definition id="curSalary" isCustomField="false" isVisible="true" useFor="salary" readOnly="false" hidePercentage="false" hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false" reloadable="true" displayOrder="19">

    <comp-field-label><![CDATA[EC curSalary]]></comp-field-label>

    <comp-ect-input-field-map componentType="payComponentRecurring"/>

  3. In the template xml define the budget as follows;

    <budget-calc useFor="stock" budgetOn="stock" mode="DirectAmount" basedOn="template" includeIneligible="false" prorating="false" hidePercentage="false" useFinalPayoutForVPBudget="false" applyRounding="true">0.0</budget-calc>
  4. Next, go into the plan within the UI and go into Budget configuration and update the attribute to be based on "planner" and save;
  5. Refresh the template (exit the plan and go back into it) and you will see Budget Assignment under "Manage Worksheets";
  6. Click on Budget Assignment and this will trigger a refresh of data which will take a minute;
  7. Once this is completed define your budget as required and launch a worksheet.


  • Your compensation template will need to be configured by SuccessFactors to use the setting: basedOn="planner"
  • Please contact Customer Success if your template needs to be changed
  • Also, please carefully consider making a change in the type of budget used as this is a legacy feature and is not typically used


cascade budget, budget assignment, compensation budget, cascade salary, cascade stock, cascading budget, based on planner, directAmount, direct amount, custom column for directAmount, custom cascading budget, KM-18929 , KBA , sf compensation budgets , LOD-SF-CMP-BUD , Budgets, Budget assignment, planning and configuration , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation all versions