After you apply SAP Note 1791342 - TimeZone Support in Hana or SAP Note 1932132 - SAP HANA : Large time difference between application server and HANA database, you see in index server trace files messages like these:
- e tz initTimeZone.cpp(00027) : zonerule "VERM02" in unexpected format (examples "M0130", "P0100")
- e tz initTimeZone.cpp(00027) : zonerule "VERM10" in unexpected format (examples "M0130", "P0100")
- e tz initTimeZone.cpp(00027) : zonerule "VERP02" in unexpected format (examples "M0130", "P0100")
- e tz initTimeZone.cpp(00027) : zonerule "VERP10" in unexpected format (examples "M0130", "P0100")
SAP HANA, platform edition 1.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
indexserver, , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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