- Compensation
Reproducing the Issue
- When I click the Detailed Report icon (also known as rollup report) it does not work for some individuals. Most roll-up reports work, but for some individuals I get the error message "The document you are trying to access is no longer in this folder. It may have already been acted upon, moved to another folder or deleted, or the link you are trying to follow maybe invalid. Click here to return to your Homepage."
- Additionally when I attempt to Export my data by clicking the Export to MS Excel button, it is failing for a few users.
Management Hierarchy:
Compensation Form creation normally follows the organizational hierarchy that's used by the core platform. The Executive Review and Roll-up Report also follows that hierarchy and allows managers to drill-down and look at compensation details of employees that are within their hierarchy. If an employee changes managers during the compensation planning process, the manager would lose the ability to review the details of the employee in Executive Review due to the hierarchy change. To prevent this scenario please see details in the solution.
- The most likely reason is that your hierarchy has changed since launching comp forms. Therefore you now have some forms with either inactive employees on them, or that have members that have subsequently transferred to a new manager and no longer report to the manager whose form they are still on. There is a feature to prevent this scenario, please read the details below under "Use form creation hierarchy for Compensation Rollup Report checkbox"
As the Executive Review and Roll-up Report (Detailed Report) and Rollup Report 'Export to MS Excel' all require that the hierarchy remains unchanged from when the comp forms were launched (as described above) you need to use the most appropriate of the following options for your situation:
- Leave as is and inform your users that some reports are not viewable due to management changes/employee transfers etc.
- Reactivate any members on the form that may currently be marked as inactive.
- Remove any members from the form that may be inactive (note: this may impact budgets so may not be a viable option).
- Move members between plans so that you have all active members on the forms of active managers.
The management of compensation forms can be done by an administrator via admin tools > Compensation Administration:
- Compensation Form Membership.
- Move Members Between Forms.
- Add Members To Forms.
- Delete Members From Forms.
For more information on how to use the above features, please search on other solutions.
Use form creation hierarchy for Compensation Rollup Report checkbox
- To prevent this issue you have the option to use the employee hierarchy in place when the compensation form was created instead of the current employee hierarchy. This option is useful when there's a chance that changes were made to the employee hierarchy after the forms were created. This option ensures that the Rollup Report can be generated correctly based on the original hierarchy. To use this option, contact SuccessFactors Customer Success to update your system. Then, log into SuccessFactors and update the form template you want to use. Go to Admin > Form Template Administration > Form Template and select the template you want. Scroll down and select the Use form creation hierarchy for Compensation Rollup Report checkbox. Save your changes. (CMP-2529)
To Correct The Rollup Hierarchy
Go to Admin Tools > Update Compensation Hierarchy
- This page can be used to update the hierarchy used by the Compensation Rollup Report. This process will ensure that the Compensation Rollup Report for the Compensation Template selected will use the hierarchy that existed at the time forms were created from the selected template. The user must a) select the Compensation Template; b) check the box to confirm that the update should be started for this template and c) press the Update button. Once this process is started the user will be notified via email when the process is complete.
- Use form creation hierarchy when running Compensation Rollup for this template.
- Once the process has been started, display the following message to the user:
The Hierarchy Update Request has been submitted successfully. Please check your email for the final update status. Keep in mind that the email notification will not be sent until the update has been completed. The update could take up to an hour, depending on the number of forms associated with this template. If you do not receive any email notification regarding your process at all, please contact technical support.
Compensation Form Membership
- The Compensation Form creation process assigns employees to specific compensation forms. The membership of employees in Compensation Forms does NOT change during subsequent employee information import, which may include management hierarchy changes. Compensation Form membership changes, if needed, are done explicitly via Administration Tools by Compensation Administrators.
Alternate/Compensation Hierarchy:
- The ability to specify a second/alternate management hierarchy, for Compensation Planning, and other permission-based or workflow actions, is possible with the product. Compensation Form creation and Executive Review can be based on the alternate management hierarchy as defined in your user import file in the SECOND_MANAGER column. Any changes to the hierarchy of the core platform as defined in the standard MANAGER column will have no effect on the alternate hierarchy and hence compensation related data.
Note: Planner Hierarchy is NOT supported with rollup reports. If your compensation template is configured to use rollup mode then you may see unexpected results when using the rollup report as this is not a supported mode. Correct operation of rollup reports is only supported when using standard manager hierarchy or second manager hierarchy.
- If you are using planner hierarchy your template will be configured with
<comp-plan-creation rollup-users="1"/>
<comp-manager-hierarchy type="1"/>
KBA , sf compensation reports , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , Problem