SAP Crystal Reports, Developer Version for Visual Studio .NET does not retain Arial Bold fonts under Windows Server 2012 Standard or Windows 8 when printing from CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter.
The fonts are properly retained under Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.
Crystal Reports, Developer for Visual Studio
Windows Server 2012
Windows 8.0
Reproducing the Issue
Note: These steps use XPS since an XPS print driver is included with both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012 Standard. However, this issue can also be duplicated using any PDF print driver.
Using Windows Server 2012 Standard:
- Create a Report and set the text object font to Arial and the Style to Bold.
- In a VS test app simply open the above report and preview, or print directly to XPS or PDF print driver.
- Choose Microsoft XPS Document Writer as the printer
- Click Print button
- Printing from Windows Server 2012. Note: File size is about 1.7MB, size will vary depending on the report
- Follow steps 1-5 using Windows 7
- Printing from Windows 7. Note: File size is about 290K, size will vary depending on the report
- Open pdf printout from 2012 and select the text. Notice that "Comments:" cannot be selected. This is because the Arial Bold font used for this text has been converted into graphics rather than preserved as fonted text.
- Open pdf printout from Windows 7 and select the text. Notice that "Comments:" can be selected. This is because the Arial Bold font used for this text has been properly preserved as fonted text.
R&D is aware of this issue and will be working with Microsoft to resolve the problem.
It has been noted that compiling your application in AnyCPU mode is not a problem. Only time it is a problem is when setting your project to compile in x86 mode.
PDF, Print mode, image, file size, cr for vs , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem