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2085515 - Targeted CR List for ASE 15.5 ESD#5.3 - SAP ASE


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) EBF/SP or PL releases. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.

CR NumberDescription
671238 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'proc_find_subscribable' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lt_sqlrep_exec_polic' and 's_mustrecompile' may be reported in the error log when a stored procedure is marked for replication and ASE is checking if the stored procedure needs recompilation.
672733 A 820 error may be raised when executing BCP-IN with all INSERTSs that causes duplicate key errors during aggressive HOUSEKEEPER garbage collection.
678975 The message, "Invalid column length:... . Value must be between ... and ... at offset ... for 'all-pages' row with minimum length of ...", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeSubst', 'LeScanOp::_LeOpNext' and 'execproc' may be reported in the error log when the 299 command line traceflag is used and under some circumstances a stored procedure which queries a user temporary table created outside is executed with different schemas for that table but the same plan is reused.
688856 A query containing an OR clause nested under another OR clause might generate a SEGV. This could occur if the in_list_general_or optcriteria is on. The optcriteria is enabled in the ase1503esd4 optlevel and above. The stack will show that we're code generating (CgpGlobal::CgpGenerate()) and trying to resolve a relop (ResRelOp) for a predicate bitmap (CgpPop::_CgpPePredBmToScalar).
692003 Sybmon failed to load memory dump with error 13 on ibmaix64 platform.
692550 A 11060 error, "This statement has exceeded the maximum number of recompilations (10). This indicates an internal error. Please note the error prior to this one and contact Sybase Technical Support.", may be reported under some circumstances when a stored procedure containing a SELECT INTO ... UNION statement is executed and references session temporary tables and/or stored procedure parameters.
704085 When multiple encrypted columns with the decrypt_default attribute are selected through a view, ASE may incorrectly return decrypted data on some of the columns.
706581 The message, "current process infected with signal 11", together with a stack trace involving the function prot_view_decdef_cols() may be reported with a complex query when access is made through a VIEW and the accessed columns are encrypted with decrypt_default.
718710 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 's_begupdate' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_execute' and 'execproc' may be reported in the error log when a stored procedure executes a DML statement which was compiled at runtime.
722591 Execution of a stored procedure sometimes raises message 10334, "Permission related internal error was encountered". The statement being executed involves many UNIONs selecting from derived tables based on a temp table and the server is configured for multiple tempdbs.
722777 ASE does not respond and appears to hang when certain invalid packets are sent to it.
722823 Different behaviour for ISNULL on a MAX() or MIN() aggregate of a character column may be observed when statement cache is used with esql.
723872 If there is an UNIQUE index with IGNORE_DUP_KEY option on a partitioned table with many partitions such as 60, the BCP loading performance of OLD DATA may be much slower than that of NEW DATA. NEW DATA means most rows of it will be loaded into the table. OLD DATA means most rows of it will be ignored because they have been loaded into the table.
724472 In rare circumstances, recreation of in-memory databases during start up of Adaptive Server may hang when there are more than one in-memory databases with the same template database. ASE can be used, but an attempt to use the in-memory databases that are not recreated will result in error 962, "Database with ID ' < value > ' is not available. Please try again later."
724593 In some rare cases, a UNION query could return wrong result resulting in truncation.
729074 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'xact_beginupdate' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tmp_alldrop' and 'clean_process' may be reported in the error log when a task attempts to clean up its temporary objects while disconnecting.
729624 Cluster deadlock occurs when process allocating a new page holding LLOL waits on WAIT_FOR_BASTPENDING.
729766 A new configuration value of '2' is added to configuration option 'enable xml' for external entity reference in XML documents, ie, set "sp_configure 'enable xml', 2" for external entity reference in XML documents.
729919 In very rare situations where incorrect port number is specified for sp_listener, subsequent calls to sp_listener might fail.
730183 Extended stored procedures added using sp_addextendedproc are malformed leading to failure of the extended stored procedure. sp_helpextendedproc shows an extraneous '[' character in the DLL name.
731079 The number of unreserved pages may be incorrect after LOAD DATABASE has been executed if the database dump is from an older ASE version and it contains a large number of tables, each having multiple partitions.
731758 When executing UPDATE STATISTICS with an object name that contains unusual characters, the command may fail with an internal error.
731808 If a LIKE predicate is used, then optimizer estimates for keys for a limiting index scan may be incorrect if a VARCHAR variable is used for the pattern match. This is especially true when there are no pattern matching characters used e.g. r.a LIKE "ABC". optcriteria CR731808 can be used to correct the optimizer estimate issue. Command line trace flag 16965 will also enable the fix.
731818 The Backup Server is enhanced to perform consistency checks on All Pages Locked (APL) and Data Only Locked (DOL) data pages during DUMP DATABASE execution. If an error is detected on a page, the page is reread for validation. These checks will be performed if DUMP DATABASE is executed using WITH VERIFY option. Alternatively, start up the backup server with boot time trace flag -D64, or use the run time trace flag SYB_BACKUP...qatraceon 8, to enable these checks by default.
732185 An ALTER TABLE command issued on a partitioned table where the partition degree is greater than the user's parallel degree may result in various failures.
734660 The error "Page Verification Error: Page mismatch. Page < page # > contains 0 in page header." could be incorrectly printed in the Backup Server errorlog when executing DUMP DATABASE WITH VERIFY. This error is spurious and can be ignored.
735292 An ASE task making a remote procedure call to a server with server option 'net password encryption' set to true and 'cis_rpc_handling' disabled can go to sleep indefinitely and the client appears to be hung.
735327 A 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page '24' was read while accessing object '2' in database ' < dbid > '. Please contact Sybase Technical Support." may be reported when a 12.5.4 ASE database dump that was made with a 15.7 ESD#4.2 Backup Server is loaded back in a 12.5.4 ASE.
735431 The error, "Table Corrupt: The row number and offset of each row in the page should have a matching entry in row number table ..." will be incorrectly reported in the Backup Server error log on pages with deleted rows that belong to an All Pages Locked table when executing DUMP/LOAD WITH VERIFY.
735567 The Backup Server is enhanced to perform consistency checks on Data Only Locked (DOL) index pages besides data pages during DUMP DATABASE execution.
735884 ASE may suffer from a memory leak when several client connections are simultaneously made using encrypted passwords.
736268 A login account that has a login-specific password expiration setting may have the global password expiration setting applied to it if the server encounters a 1204 (out of locks) error during the login attempt.
736550 Under rare circumstances a 696 error: "An attempt was made to read logical page ' < page# > ' for database ' < dbname > ' ( < dbid > ), object ' < tablename > ' ... from disk. Wrong logical page ' < page# > ' was brought into cache 'default data cache'." may be reported in the error log for allocation pages after the execution of CREATE, ALTER or LOAD DATABASE commands in an ASE installation using a page size that is greater than 2K-bytes and when during their execution the message "No large buffers were available, so pages are being cleared by writing each page separately. Please be patient" is reported. Alternatively a 2529 error, "Table Corrupt: Attempted to get page < page# > , partition ID 99; got page < page# > , partition ID 99." may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC.
737762 Under rare circumstances backup server may produce unpredictable text attached to the dump trailer.
738322 Backup Server introduces a remote access control feature that prevents remote dumps and loads and execution of remote procedure calls (RPC) from any client or server running on unauthorized servers. Local dumps are not affected by this feature. Authorization to dump or load, to or from Backup Server is achieved by including the authorized hosts in the host.allow access control file. The default location of hosts.allow file is $SYBASE. The location and name can be changed using the Backup Server parameter -h.
739129 For share disk cluster database with tables having identity column, Error 2601 "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysattributes' with unique index 'csysattributes'" might be hit when executing DUMP DATABASE or REORG REBUILD TABLE if nodes leaving and re-join the cluster. If the cluster is killed, OLD identity value might also be generated.



  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5


CR, ASE 15.5 ESD#5.3, ASE 15.5, ESD#5.3, Adaptive, Server, Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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