After user did a BPC transport, when user login to EPM add-in, an error "Wrong csv format" displays.
In the EPM add-in log, following error happens:
Member [AAA].[PARENTH2].[0] is attached to member FPMXLClient.Connection.RESTConnection+HierarchyNode on hierarchy PARENTH2, but FPMXLClient.Connection.RESTConnection+HierarchyNode doesn't exist#.
If user process this dimension:AAA, error will display: "(Node 0000aaaa, 0000bbbb): Leaf "already exists as child of node 0000cccc."
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
EPM, Wrong csv format, is attached to member FPMXLClient.Connection.RESTConnection+HierarchyNode on hierarchy PARENTH2, but FPMXLClient.Connection.RESTConnection+HierarchyNode doesn't exist#, Leaf already exists as child of node, transport dimension , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , Problem
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