SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2086092 - Combining Measures in a Vertical Graph - Workforce Analytics


  • Article explains the combining of measures in a vertical graph
  • Is it possible to show multiple related measures in a stacked vertical graph, sorted back into measures by colour?


  • Workforce Planning and Analytics


  • This is possible, in principle, but it depends on the measures.  The broad strategy for achieving this effect is to create a custom calculation which adds the measures together, then segregate them in a query using an analysis option. 
  • For instance, if you add Casual FTE to the standard FTE (which normally excludes casuals) you can create custom members based on Employment Type as two categories, Casual and Non-Casual.  If you then apply the custom members to the custom calculation, each measure will be in a different category and therefore appear in a different colour.  Furthermore, if you name each custom member after a measure, the names of the measures will appear on the chart as mouseover text.

Requirements for this solution are as follows:

  1. The measures must count the same basic unit (e.g. employee heads, FTEs, movements, hours, money) such that adding them makes mathematical sense.
  2. The measures must be segregated completely, with no overlap or crossover, by the categories of a shared analysis option. (If you have development days available, an analysis option may be created for this specific purpose.)


KBA , LOD-SF-WFA-WA , Workforce Anaytics , How To


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