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2086947 - IQ 15.4 aborts at st_server.cxx:1440 in dfjo_NestedLoopOuters::FetchOpus


On executing a SELECT query on columns of a view, which in turn is based on multiple views/tables with UNION ALLs and OUTER JOINS, caused IQ to abort at st_server.cxx:1440

The stacktrace will include the following frames in the aborting thread (usually the top most thread in the stacktrace, which will be either in the IQ server's .iqmsg file and/or a separate stacktrace file):

I. 06/04 16:07:08. 0000310963 pc: 0x7f154269565f hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char*, char*)+0x18f
I. 06/04 16:07:08. 0000310963 pc: 0x7f15431434df SigHndlr+0x4f
I. 06/04 16:07:08. 0000310963 pc: 0x3431c0f500 
I. 06/04 16:07:08. 0000310963 pc: 0x7f154255de74 dfjo_NestedLoopOuters::FetchOpus()+0xa94
I. 06/04 16:07:08. 0000310963 pc: 0x7f154260b2dc df_UnionAllFetchIterator::ExecWork(int&, unsigned int)+0xdc
I. 06/04 16:07:08. 0000310963 pc: 0x7f15428e48a7 workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned int)+0xb7



IQ 15.4, any SP up to and including SP04.10


SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


IQ 15.4, abort, outer join, union all, nested views , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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