This document provides information about important BWA parameters and related useful SAP notes for configuration.
Hardware, OS, BWA indexing, BWA initial filling, TREX searching, BWA reorg, BW, TREXAdmin Tool, CPU, TREXIndexServer.ini, Parameter, initialReorg, splitAlgorithm, prepare_renumber_threads, set_sparse_threads, threads_aggregate, threads_aggregate_calls, threads_bw_merge_reftables, tmpx_threads, kernel.shmmax, landscape reorganization, ReorgByCube, algorithm, BATCHPARA, NUMPROC, PKGSIZE, SUBPKGSIZE, gateway, RFC, single-threaded, multi-threaded, AS parameter, TCP_KEEPIDLE, TCP_KEEPCNT, TCP_KEEPINTVL, KEEP_ALIVE, KeepAlive, TrexNet failed, connection broken, AcceptQueueLen, C-States, latency, Transparent Huge Pages, TREXIndexServer.ini, all cpu types, cpu x5670, e5-2670, sandy bridge, initialReorg, splitAlgorithm, prepare_renumber_threads, set_sparse_threads, threads_aggregate, threads_aggregate_calls, threads_bw_merge_reftables, tmpx_threads, kernel.shmmax , algorithm for landscape reorganization, reorgByCube, Number of Index Parts per blade, BATCHPARA, NUMPROC, PKGSIZE, SUBPKGSIZE, local gateway for the BW-BWA Rfc connection, Rfc Communication method, AS parameter, TCP_KEEPIDLE, TCP_KEEPCNT, TCP_KEEPINTVL, KEEP_ALIVE, AcceptQueueLen, Disable transparent hugepages, Configure C-States for lower latency, multi-threaded, keepalive, trexnet failed, connection broken, initialReorg, TrexAdmin tool, cpu, bwa indexing, bwa initial filling, TREX searching, bwa reorg, bw, hardware, os , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , How To
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