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2087368 - HANA AFL installation error "check that the SAR is owned by root"


1. During installation of AFL packages via HLM tool the following errors can be seen in the HLM.log

Executing command "check that the SAR is owned by root"
Caught exception: Execution of operation hlm_config_install_server_plugin failed. Exit code of the operation is 1.

2. In the sapstartsrv.log at the time of the above entries, the following can be seen:

ERROR => InternalWaitForOperation: GetResults returned NULL
ERROR => Operation::ExecuteNextCommand(): Command check that the SAR is owned by root terminated with errorcode 1



HANA 1.0


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions


authorisation , KBA , HAN-DB-AFL , Appl. Function Library - SAP Note 2198403 for subcomponents , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem

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