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2087752 - XML error during vendor replication to SUS


You are replicating vendors to the SUS system. The XML message SupplierPortalTradingPartner_CreateOrChange_In containing the vendor data is failing on SUS end. In SLG1 transaction you find any of the following errors:


You are not authorized to create users in group
Message no. 01491


You are not authorized to display users in group
Message no. 01512


User XXXXXXX does not exist
Message no. 01124

Error while trying to create contact person. Inform system administration
Message no. BBP_BUPA060


Or you are editing/creating a user over the SUS user administration UI and receive the following error:


Changes not allowed in this system (central user administration active)

Message no. 01323



  • SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
  • SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
  • Supplier Self Services (SUS) all scenarios
  • SUS is integrated into a CUA system


SAP Supplier Relationship Management all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management all versions


KBA , central user administration , cua , SRM-SUS-ADM , Business Partner, User, Customizing , Problem

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