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2087857 - Targeted CR List for ASE 15.0.3 ESD#1


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) EBF/SP or PL releases. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.

CR number



Enable a text column in a table, to be altered from "NOT NULL" to "NULL".


DBCC CHECKSTORAGE does not check for log free space count discrepancies.


New feature request to provide allocation information for SYSGAMS when the command DBCC GAM is executed with the 'check' option.


The migration tool can report the wrong database size when used to calculate estimated space.


Message "Invalid column length", does not identify the database and object in the message.


Select statements failing with 701 do not show up in monSysStatement.


User may receive bogus SySAM warning emails during product installation.


A new Kazahkstan Cyrillic charset KZ-1048 has been added in ASE. The sort order is binary.


When no valid license is available for the platform on which ASE is running, but licenses are available for other platforms, then ASE may crash on startup with a signal 11 after reporting "SySAM: Using licenses from" .


When the Windows eventlog is full and cannot be written, ASE repeatedly issues the warning message that the write to the event log failed, it should still issue the message but only at intervals.


dbcc checkcatalog raises a 7417 error when a 0 freepage threshold exists, even if the last chance threshold entry for logsegment is present in threshold cache.


User defined messages appear in master..monErrorlog always with ErrorNumber = 1 rather than the error number with which they have been defined. Severity is always shown as 0.


Enable Encryption Column feature on winx64 platform


ASE is not able to use OS supported Huge Page mechanism on Linux platforms.


During the execution a stored procedure may raise the errors about the size of the row exceeding the row size limit. Such warning should be displayed only during procedure creation not the procedure execution.


ASE may hit OS signal while attempting to print error message on lock resource scarcity. Issue is fixed by using thread-safe API.


When setup with "-console" is executed,some parts of License Agreements in Japanese are unreadable.


ASE may mistakenly terminate a session that was chosen as a deadlock victim in module "get_privilege" with a stack trace in the error log. The modules "s_handle" and "terminate_process" will also be reported.


On some storage devices when creating a new ASE server the srvbuildres utility will erroneously report that the master device does not exist.


Under some circumstances when aborting a query using user defined java objects which internally run nested queries using the internal JDBC driver, some errors like 622 error, "Opentable was passed a varno of < id > . Object ' < object_name > ' in database ' < dbname > ' already has that session descriptor in use." or 6103 error, "Unable to do cleanup for the killed process" may be reported in the errorlog.


The BatchID column value in the monSysStatement and monSysPlanText MDA tables may be different for statements executed within a single batch for statements using execute immediate or deferred compilation. The monSysStatement and monSysPlanText ContextID value is not set consistently.


DBISQL tool Feature request: to add "Find/Replace" menu option for "Results" window


Error 325 (no plan found) might be raised for EXISTS subquery which also contains another correlated subquery.


In Warm Standby configurations where DDL is replicated, Replication Server fails to apply a DDL command due to a login failure when an external authentication mechanism is used to connect to ASE.


sp_sysmon does not report the number of lock promotion when page lock is promoted to table lock.


INSERT from view with unions may sometimes show poor performance because of unnecessary view materialization.


Load database may fail with error 8241 for database dumps taken with verify option and the database volumes are used greater than reserved threshold value.


Procedural query with FOR READ ONLY option may incorrectly raise error 7304 "FOR READ ONLY can not be used in a SELECT which is not part of the declaration of a cursor or which is not inside a stored procedure"


A query with no reformatting and no sorting and only a distinct_hashing or group_hashing operator may claim too many buffers (typically the value of "max buffers per lava op") as seen through the "set statistics plancost" output.


DBCC CHECKSTORAGE records information in dbccdb that is not used in most cases. This change reduces the number of inserts by skipping faults for which an exclusion is defined with sp_dbcc_exclusions and skipping inserts in dbcc_counters. The pre-fix behavior can be enabled using exec sp_dbcc_updateconfig null, "enable excluded faults inserts", '1' and exec sp_dbcc_updateconfig null, "enable dbcc_counter inserts", '1'


Creating an index using the "with sorted_data" option on a partitioned table where the data is not actually sorted sometimes completes without error but creates a corrupt index with missing entries.


When the configuration parameter 'max concurrently recovered db' is active it is possible that during parallel recovery ASE tries to online an archive database before the scratch database this archive database is bound had a chance to come online, causing the recovery of the archive database to fail.


Added support to configure, at database level, the threshold used for SQL statement replication.


In some cases, if a "MERGE UNION ALL" operator is in the inner stream of a "MERGE JOIN" operator, then a SEGV may be generated while copying data to the output tuple. The stack will have the following calls on it: LeMJOp::getNextInner()- > LeMrgUnionOp::_LeOpNext()- > LeMrgUniContext::getNextTup() LeUnionContext::copyRsVal()- > LeVtuple::copyCols()- > LeColumn::LeColCopy()- > memmove() The stack may appear different with different FBO compilers.


New integer datatypes are not recognized as valid identity types when using T-SQL builtin, identity([datatype]).


Trigger for update query with UNION may not be able to provide correctly rows from the INSERTED/DELETED tables.


Password expiration messages 4022 and 7735 returned from remote ASE server are not propagated back to the ISQL client.


The monCachedObject MDA table may include objects that do not have pages in a data cache.


SELECT INTO EXISTING table consisting of an IDENTITY column with table joins may fail with error 3621.


New options index level, allocated objects added allocated partitions to pageinfo built-in function.


Application Tracing doesnt work with "set statistics" options in login triggers.


When bcp in a table with java column and clustered index, the non-nullable java column may become null due to some status of the text page lost.


When upgrading a replicated database through dump and load, sysreferences is not updated with the new dbid if the ltm marker is not turned off prior to the dump and ONLINE is attempted prior to running dbcc dbrepair(dbname, ltmignore).


Unnecessary writes to temporary databases at end of index creation have been removed resulting in performance gain due to less I/O requests.


Unnecessary writes to temporary databases during index splits have been removed resulting in performance gain due to less I/O requests.


User should not create a column with the name of "SYB_IDENTITY_COL" even he sets quoted_identifier on.


Distinct query with plan using sort merge join may return duplicate rows.


A new server wide configuration parameter "capture missing statistics" has been added which when enabled will capture the information about columns on which we find missing statistics while we are optimizing a query. The new information will be stored in SYSSTATISTICS table.


Executing a query from java involving proxy tables may stacktrace with SIGSEGV.


Improvements include: * Release of the basic QPTune functionality * Add missing stats support * Save queries to user specified groups before any tuning exercise * Change setting default optgoal during fix to avoid any conflict * Other bug fixes and cosmetic changes to improve the existing utility overall


A 806 error may be reported when running the cammand of dbcc checkalloc with FIX option on the user database.


Kerberos logins with 'data integrity' or 'replay detection' option (-Vi, -Vr) may raise an error: "Invalid security token" when a query is sent to ASE confiured with multiple engines.


Infected with 11 occurs in parse_name() when you execute 'exec @proc' with @proc = NULL on a multi-byte language and character set server.


Under certain circumstances, a create index with sorted data on a table may result into a 623 error


Msg 325 (no plan found) in ASE 15 may happen on join involving a DISTINCT view and one of the DISTINCT view SELECT column has an equisarg on it.


On Windows, if an ASE task has been using java and subsequently encounters a stack overflow, the stack overflow is not correctly cleaned up and renders the java system non-operational.


Monserver reports events lost in monserver errorlog after upgrading to 15.0.2 ESD#2.


When statement cache is turned on, a query that meets the following conditions: 1 > union 2) subquery on one side of the union, 3) derived table expression under subquery, 4) there are local variables in derived table expression, 5) there are builtin functions in derived table expression, may cause stack trace to happen in LeEvRun().


Stored procedure creating tables with materialized computed columns and inserting data into those tables may return unexpected errors like error 515 "Attempt to update or insert row failed because resultant row of size larger than the maximum size allowed for this table." This problem may happen only if the procedure requires renormalization because some objects referenced by it were dropped and recreated.


Stored procedure may fail with errorlog reporting modules:pre__substitute_fi_cpc,pre__replace_cpc, s_getTreeOrPlan,open_user_table,open__byname,parse_name. This may happen if procedure creates a table with computed column.


jConnect and Data Drivers are unable to login to ASE 15.0.2 with encrypted logins if the ASE password has expired.


On some platforms a stack trace in n3__make_jsig() may result when a sqlj procedure is created with more than the allowable number of parameters and there is a matching java function intsalled on the server.


A large statement that is over 16k and contains a lot of white spaces may not be cached in the statement cache.


Subqueries that join with a column from a "distinct" view or derived table will not mark the joining predicate as a sargable. This could result in a cartesian product scan rather than an index lookup.


The message "closetable: table already closed for sdes < value > " may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_allocate' and 'pg_allocoam' after an 1105 error is reported during page allocation.


Wrong result (missing rows with NULL values) could happen for sybase extended column groupby query (i.e. SELECT more columns than the Group By list and aggregate) when one of the joining view/derived table has DISTINCT.


When statement cache and literal autoparam are enabled, a query with intensive numeric computation may cause error 3624 "Truncation error occurred" to be raised.


DBCC CHECKSTORAGE reports "Msg 15914, 'Failed to bind dbcc named cache < cache name > to the scan workspace < workspace name > .'" if dbcc named cache name contains a space character.


When merge join is disabled, do not include the equi-join columns in the interesting orderings. The optimizer places eagerly Sort operators on the interesting orderings and keeps or discards them based on cost. Although a Sort could also enhance the buffer cache behavior of nested loops join, this comes with some risk due to the substantial cost of sorting and to its blocking nature, specifically when the data volume estimation is wrong (as when costing is based on out of date histograms, magic numbers, etc.). The fix is disabled by trace flag 15338.


This fixes an issue where server is reporting an error (named cache is configured too small for current demands state 3. Transaction progress may cease) too early.


The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ssql_update_recompile_info' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_getTreeOrPlan' and 'tdsrecv__dynexec' may be reported in the error log and could bring the server down if the configuration options "STATEMENT CACHE SIZE", "ENABLE MONITORING" and "ENABLE STMT CACHE MONITORING" are all enabled and a client application executed a dynamic sql statement with the option "DYNAMIC PREPARE" active and the internal lightweight procedure for the statement had to be recompiled (for example due to a schema change).


A large T-SQL unsigned bigint value is incorrectly assigned to a BigInteger Java datatype. For example assiging the value 18446744073709551615 to a BigInteger field in Java will result in a value of -1 being stored in the Java field.


Under missing/limited statistics, optimizer might favor a store index (reformatting) plan for a nested loop join even though there is no sarg on the store index child scan and there already exists an index whose keys match the equijoin columns. For most time, based on actual data distributtion, the existing index scan plan would be better.


A 1129 error may be reported "The requested update to the OAM for object < value > , dbid < value > , index < value > , oam page < value > , would cause a negative page count ... Contact your System Admin." in the error log mistakenly when multiple sessions import data in the same table concurrently through the bulk copy utility.


If DDL replication is on and we are execute a CREATE SCHEMA which has create views and this CREATE SCHEMA is not in a store procedure could cause 701 errors.


In 12.5.x, the optimizer was not attempting to place reformatting over a table which had an index forced in the FROM clause. The 15.x optimizer did not have this limitation and was always placing and costing StoreIndex (the 15.x operator which implements reformatting) unless a full Abstract Plan was precluding it. When costing is not accurate, for instance due to data skew or to magic numbers based costing when there are no statistics, this could lead to suboptimal plans which were not generated in 12.5.x, hence to performance regressions. This fix re-instate in 15.x the legacy 12.5.x behavior.


DUMP DATABASE/TRAN with compression may fail with an error, "Length of compressed buffer is greater than the original buffer length".


Loading a Java class with a very large value for a static final defined string can result in a message "infected with 11" with the modules "jvm_GetClassName" and "DBClassFileGetClassName", being printed in the ASE errorlog.


Under rare circumstances an ASE system running on a 64 bits Windows Server with a high rate of DML commands executed may result in some data not be written to disk.


For a query that is executed using the clustered index but involves no partitioned table and parallel scan, the value of the UsedCount column of monOpenObjectActivity for IndexID = 1 is not incremented.


Wrong results could be returned when a query using a GROUP BY clause is executed, the datatype of the grouping columns is VARCHAR and the data for those columns contains NULL values and empty strings having only white spaces like ' '


Unnecessary sort nodes were added to the query plan, which provided no benefits. Normally sort nodes would provide benefits such as orderings for merge join/ORDER BY/GROUP BY, or buffer manager optimization (i.e. better cache hits on an ordered join attribute). This error could occur when there is a combination of multiple covered and non-covered index scans within a query plan. Normally, it occurs in cases when the sorts are very small, so the error is not noticible, since it only involves the estimate of the CPU component. If the sort volume was large, then it would have overwhelmed the incorrect CPU estimate, and the sort would have been eliminated. However, if the input volume estimate for the sort is incorrect, due to missing statistics, and this volume is actually very large, then the addition of the sort operator could result in a noticible performance regression.


Avoid frequent flushing log of index shrink for tables in the tempdb.


This fix keeps the connection level default AP dump/mode active when changing the database. This also makes AP capture more versatile. It is documented that the connection level AP dump/load is disabled when a USE < database > statement is issued, to avoid the tentative usage of an absent user defined AP group. However, when the standard in/out default AP groups are used, there is no reason to disable the connection level dump/load - since these groups are present in all database.


The tendency to add expensive sort nodes, solely to break up a nested loop join order has been reduced. This occurs when there are numerous tables in the FROM list, and the optimizer added a sort to break up the join order, so that there is more buffer manager cache available for each side of the sort, that in turn would reduce PIO requirements of the query overall.


Under rare conditions a query on the monOpenObjectActivity MDA table may result in a signal 11 and server crash.


Application Tracing does not trace actual and estimated I/O statistics when "allow resource limits" configuration parameter is enabled.


Added the display back of "-s" option in the user message when users enable "-s" (sorted) option.


For DISTINCT query with multiple table join, a lower costing plan with a top DISTINCT operator might be ignored by optimizer.


Under some circumstances, SybMigrate may not use the "with sorted_data" option when creating clustered indexes when it could safely do so.


Replication Agent may report the error 9205, state 0, after a cross database transaction happened between two databases and the table or the database is configured to use sql statement replication.


isnull() builtin on character data could return blank padded data while returning values substituted for nulls


Executing a query involving IN clause, some builtin and OR predicate may hit SEGV and stack trace in the module of 'LeEvals::LeEvRun()' and 'LeOrScanContext::setOrVtuple' if the query plan chosen has OrScan in it.


The message "process infected with signal 11" in the module 'des_rekeep' may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'vu_getviewdefn', 's_reinstallProcTree' and 'proc__linktopss' when two concurrent sessions access a VIEW whose query tree needs be redefined by ASE.


In cases where basic_optimization is used, and the histogram on a column has been explicitly deleted by the delete statistics command, there is a possibility of a stack trace if multi-attribute densities exist with that leading column. This could happen if a multi-attribute index exists, and the histogram on the leading column of that index is explicitly deleted.


A cursor on an APL table in 12.5 prefers a unique index rule based over any non-unique index or table scan. In 15.0 the unique index is only used rule based if a FOR UPDATE clause was specified. The 12.5 unique index rules are now supported for 15.0


< permission_name > is allowed to be entered as first argument to sp_helprotect where as the syntax of sp_helprotect is: sp_helprotect [name [, username [, "grant" [,"none"|"granted"|"enabled"|role_name [,permission_name]]]]]


Wrong result might happen for outerjoin query with a MATCHNULL equijoin WHERE clause.


select @@dbts returns incorrect value on ibmplinux.


On ASE running on the Windows platform, attempted java network connection may fail with " Unable to establish loopback connection"


SET PROXY executed in the procedure using deferred compilation will not have its scope limited only to the current procedure execution but for the whole session.


If sp_setreplicate is run to turn off replication on a table previously configured to use SQL statement replication, this information is not removed from the system table sysattributues.


Error 124 raised when 'set statement_cache on' or 'set literal_autoparam on' is the only statement in a stored procedure.


If sort nodes break up a chain of nested loop join operators, in which some of the respective index/table scans involve an MRU strategy, and there does not appear to be a reason for the sort node, then it may be caused a buffer manager optimization that did not take into account the MRU strategy when estimating buffer cache used by the respective operators. This change will tend to reduce the usage of sort nodes to break up a chain of nested loop operators


On HP platform, disabling network IO for Java still allows some network related Java calls to be executed. This is only seen with the dataserver binary, not the diagserver binary.


Explicit conversion from 1.0 to unichar(1) returns wrong result and no error raised.


The SQL text wasn't being printed for query's that went through terminate_process(). This is a very useful diagnostic. The query text printing has been reinstated.


Adhoc batch may be silently aborted if it creates a temporary table and a clustered index on this table.


under certain circumstances, ASE 15.0.3 on AIX encounter a hang with following messages in the errorlog. kernel PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; failed retrieving the JVMTI handle in GetEnv() with -4 kernel PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; PCA/VM FAILED; not enough memory kernel PCI(M1): ERROR: jsigcache_destroy; Signature cache destroy request without a JavaVM handle to destroy kernel PCI(M1): - > PCA/JVM Signature cache is detached kernel PCI(M1): Failed to destroy the VM signature cache.


Under some circumstances a stored procedure execution which aborts with certain errors (like, for example, a 226 error "... command not allowed within multi-statement transaction.") could unexpectedly close the tables used by the session who previously executed the same stored procedure.


The message "process infected with signal 11" in the module 'bufdlink' may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_allocate' and 'bufdirty' when a stored procedure is executed requiring a work table creation and cache binding for user temporary databases was changed between executions. This will result in ASE shutting down itself.


The ASE/PCI dispatching system on Windows randomly reports various synchronisation failures, which may include: PCI(T0): ERROR: pci_wakeup; Unable to wakeup slot: 00, sema: 25DCAA74- > (0), value: 0 and usually ends with: PCI(T0): ASE_PCI: PCI Launcher Boss thread died. This is a FATAL ERROR (errno = -1) and then usually a stack trace. After this, no java operations work although other ASE operations may continue normally.


If the ASE license has expired, silent install throws java.lang.IllegalStateException.


UPDATE and DELETE queries that contain correlated existence subqueries, such as: update tab1 set col1 = 5 where exists (select 1 from tab2 where tab2.col2 = tab1.col2) may sometimes be executed in deferred update mode when it is possible to use direct update mode, resulting in a performance regression.


A 7139 error, "Insert to a TEXT/IMAGE column from a non TEXT/IMAGE field which involves internal worktable (eg. orderby, groupby) processing is not supported. Rewrite your query to avoid conversion from non TEXT/IMAGE datatype to TEXT/IMAGE datatype." maybe be reported when executing a query involving an explicit NULL value being converted to TEXT/IMAGE datatype.


Enable IBM MQ DMP feature work.


Error 11141 is reported in the errorlog when Adaptive Server fires a threshold procedure that requires sso_role and when a password has been attached to sso_role. The threshold procedure is successfully invoked.


In rare cases, a 6909 error could be raised and shutdown the server when the first log record for a chained transaction is written to the log.


sqlloc will show error when setting default language to English and setting default charset to gb18030.


On certain Solaris x64 machines, the installer doesn't show "Configure new Monitor Server" option.


When the following conditions are true, error 2753 will be raised together with 103 error in English and stack trace may happen from ex__doprint(): 1. Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) are used as default language of a connection 2. a create table/view command with longer than 255 bytes multi-byte object name 3. the object name starts with one single-byte character and followed with multi-byte characters


If the configuration parameter 'number of engines at startup' is misconfigured, a stack trace may occur at server startup due to a segmentation fault in the function interface_to_typeid().


When master database replication is configured and login accounts are created and dropped on the master database, the Server User IDs generated in the active database during the creation of new login accounts could be different from the Server User IDs generated on the standby database.


Error Message 104 or 207 may be returned for a query using a column alias rather than the base column name in an ORDER BY clause.


A 832 error may be reported "Unable to place buffer < value > holding logical page < value > in sdes for object ' < value > ' - there is no room in sdes aux keep pool." in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'bufkeep', 'bt__insert_into_leaf' and 'bulk__fast_idxupdate' when inserting rows through bulk copy in a Data Only Locked table whose non-clustered index tree is being updated by ASE.


RTDS4.5 will not initialize on 64 bit ASE 15.0.2 ESD#6 systems due to the setting of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64


When we had nested virtual columns in the predicate and at least one of the virtual column is under CASE/OR node. The virtual columns under CASE/OR nodes could be processed incorrectly and lead to the wrong results.


Attempting to DISK INIT using a symbolic link to a device that is already in use will succeed without error.


If SSL is enabled, user will fail to install utf8 character set using "charset" command in Win64 platform. The error message will be: SQLServer message 632, state 2, severity 20: Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of 16416. Maximum allowed leng th is 16384.


Procedural query compiled in the deferred mode may not work as expected if it this query needs execution of the DEFAULT or RULE or references materialized column using global variables.


A new monitor counter has been added for Replication Agent to monitor the number of times a schema is dropped from the cache in order to reuse the freed space.


Opening a Foreign Key Wizard on a Solaris machine would resulted in an internal error for ASE Plug-in.


IF ASE is configured for 101 or more engines, sp_sysmon reports errors converting the engine number to a char(2).


With statement cache enabled, it may be possible for the statement immediately after a while loop that has just hit a break condition to not execute successfully - it only occurs if the sql is contained within a single batch.


When the global password complexity option 'min alpha in password' is set to -1, the random password generated through the password_random() built-in contains alphabetic characters.


When statement cache is on, literal autoparam is on, and the server's default character set is either eucksc, sjis, eucgb, big5 or cp936, a query that contains TAB character before a select may cause incorrect select query to be cached, which may lead to syntax error if such query is recompiled.


When reporting a stack trace on the Windows operating system, ASE will now also print an accompanying module dump, listing all the loaded external libraries and the path from where they were loaded, in order to aid problem diagnosis.


In some exception cases, prSQLTEXT() might SEGV when called from terminate_process().


Boot time and LOAD DATABASE recovery might be unnecessarily slowed down in cases where there are only a few long-running transactions at the time the server was shut down or DUMP DATABASE was executed.


When using sp_showplan to query another session's query plan, sometimes it could cause stacktrace with SIG11 or SIG4 in some platform. It could happen for a OPEN CURSOR, BCP IN and when run time recompilation are needed.


An 832 error "Unable to place buffer < value > holding logical page ... there is no room in sdes aux keep pool." or an 803 error "Unable to place buffer < value > from cache ' < value > ' holding logical page ... either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot." when reported will be followed by diagnostic information printed in the error log.


On Solaris platform, Sun patch 119963-09 (SPARC), 119964-09 (x64) (or higher) causes ASE fail to boot with "Segmentation Fault error (core dumped)."


The SQL template for Scalar Function Wizard and SQLJ Function Wizard incorrectly included the database name for the object name.


Incorrect warning message is displayed when authentication mapping is overwritten for the same external user.


On Linux, the installer hangs if "df" command hangs.


If a UNION ALL operator is used in a derived table expression, then incorrect answers could result


On linux systems, performance of some queries may drop when Q engines are online.


New option 'procedure deferred compilation' has been added so that the usage of the deferred compilation feature could be switched on or of by the system procedure sp_configure.


Under some circumstances wrong results could be returned when executing a query involving complex expressions with several nested built-in function calls (like for example IS_NULL(), STR_REPLACE(), CONVERT(), etc.) or long CASE expressions.


In ASE running on the Windows platform, under conditions where ASE pool memory is running low, the java subsystem may report "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000"


starting GUI installer failed in Red Hat 4 when set locale to Simplified Chinese


Error 5901 is hit while calculating the next cycle frequency for the scheduled job if its jsc_start is NULL in the js_callouts.


A join condition between a NUMERIC and a nullable FLOAT may return true due to the truncation of the float value during implicit conversion.


On Windows High Availability companion node setup, either using "sp_companion" or the Microsoft cluster manager, the user encounters operating system error 5042 and the companion node creation never completes.


A 2805 error, "Bad pointer 0x4 encountered while remapping stored procedure 'proc_name'. Must re-create procedure." may be reported in the errorlog and also sometimes the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'qremap__mapptr' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_getTreeOrPlan' and 'qremap_prochdr' when executing a very big procedure which requires more than 24480 pages of memory.


Under exceptional circumstances, execution of an ad-hoc sql statement with multiple OR conditions (in the order of 100s) with 'statement cache and 'enable literal autoparam' the server may hit a stack overflow which may bring the ASE down.


Allow users who do not have the mon_role role to select from the monLicense table.


The errors 624 and 625 may occur while running queries that use RID Join operator on APL tables.


Extend traceflag 457 to also make READ ONLY cursors using DISTINCT select's globally insensitive.


Static compile time partition elimination does not happen when queries in stored procedures have predicates that refer to local variables or parameters passed to it.


Installer does not show SySAM grace license messages.


The default configuration value for the pca_jvm_module_path do not match the directory structure. This specifically refers to the platform specific sub-directory under $SYBASE/shared where the JRE is located.


Executing the stored procedures sp_jreconfig() or sp_pciconfig() can result in a stacktrace reported in the ASE -errorlog which contains the modules 'dispatchpca', 'pca_get_config_value' and 'pci_command'.


A 6908 error: "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page#= < pageno > , object id = < objid > , page timestamp= < ts > . Log old timestamp= < ts > " may sometimes be reported during recovery of a transaction that has allocated pages or extents.


The installation fails if user specifies the installer image directory as the destination directory.


Incorrect duplicates can be returned for EXISTS subqueries which have an equi-join in the correlation clause between a column in the subquery and a scalar expression which contains the outer reference to a main query column.


Improve query tree generation for queries with huge number of OR predicates.


For a subquery with a group by with a grouping column from the outer table and this grouping column is also in the join predicate, if hash vector aggregate is choosen, it could cause wrong results.


When running Java queries that access the file system via PCI trusted directories, if the trusted directory has been defined improperly (meaning that it does not conform to the documented syntax) then the server may enter a permanent 100% busy CPU condition for which there is no solution other than server restart.


Query compiled in the deferred mode may fail if it references view with java UDF. Stack trace logged in the errorlog will show modules vu_colnames,colname_driver, col_open_range


Wrong result could happen for query with the conditions: 1. an equijoin join predicate between table1's col1 and table2's col2 (table1.col1=table2.col2), and 2. another equijoin predicate between one of the above joining columns and an expression involving only column(s) which are also equijoined to the other table's column(s), such as table1.col1=isnull(table1.col1,table1.col1), and 3. a store_index (reformatting) plan is chosen for the nljoin inner side between those two tables.


Flattened "EXISTS" subqueries may use a reformatting strategy on the inner block's tables. When the store_index is created, duplicates were not being removed. This can be a significant performance issue for correlated subqueries that are theta-joined AND there are additional predicates that are not used to position on the reformatted table. The following query is an example: delete outer FROM outer WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner WHERE DATEDIFF(year, innter.ValDate, outer.ValDate) = 0 AND DATEDIFF(month, inner.ValDate, outer.ValDate) = 0 AND outer.ValDate < inner.ValDate ) Note that the outer and inner tables are theta-joined (outer.ValDate < inner.ValDate). And that the DATEDIFF builtins must be evaluated after rows are qualified by the theta-join.


Database timestamp may decrease after manual insertion into a timestamp column.


Configuration of Webservices failed on HP platform with a syntax error reported.


Sybmigrate fails to create an index, because it is using the sorted_data option when creating indexes on DOL tables which is incorrect.


For a very large union view query, if it has too many UNIONs in the query and 'stack size' is not configured large enough, sometimes it could cause the stack corrupted and ASE goes down.


The wrong result could be caused by this only if the special OR stragegy is used and the first value in the IN list or OR list is NULL. It will get less rows than expected.


Inserting into temporary worktables that were created explicitly or implicitly raises error 233 when the projection columns from which the nullability of worktable columns were inherited has isnull() builtin function.


Deleting a table with LOB columns (text, image, unitext) and self referential integrity constraint may hit SEGSEGV together with stack trace in the module of LeDeleteOp::_LeOpNext().


ASE 15.0.x PC Client installer doesn't install Japanese language module if Sybase Central is deselected from the install components list.


Stored procedures may be unnecessarily upgraded multiple times.


The size of the dataserver binary on the solaris platform in the ASE 15.0.3 release is many times the size in previous releases.


Login authentication fails on a target Adaptive Server after a bcp of the login account's syslogins row from a source Adaptive Server that contains trailing zeros in its syslogins.password column.


When an extended column aggregate is used in a view, then the query may return no results. An extended column aggregate is a non-ANSI sql feature that Sybase introduced, which allow a column to be placed into the select list of a GROUP BY aggregate, which is not included in an aggregate expression nor is it in the GROUP BY list. The processing of the view silently fails in this case and returns no results. CREATE TABLE PROB_TABLE ( A int NOT NULL, B int NOT NULL ) go insert into PROB_TABLE values (1,2) go CREATE VIEW PROB_VIEW1 AS SELECT PT.A as PT_A, PT.B as PT_B FROM PROB_TABLE PT go -- note the extended column aggregate in PROB_VIEW2 CREATE VIEW PROB_VIEW2 AS SELECT PT_A FROM PROB_VIEW1 GROUP BY PT_B go -- the following returns no results and silently fails select * from PROB_VIEW2 go


Sybase Central throws NullPointerException in java.util.Calendar.setTime() while attempting to view Scheduled Job properties in a locale other than English.


ASE 15.0.3 running on IBM AIX 6.x version incorrectly interprets the OS version as lower than AIX 5.3 and fails with the following error: kernel PCI(M0): PCI Bridge run-time check failed - Bridge is not enabled (expected: AIX 5.3 or later found: AIX 5.2 or earlier)


Stack trace may result in rvm_migrate_pcrtree() if stored procedure contains cursors and all objects in the stored procedure are owned by the same user as the executor of the procedure.


An update of an identity column value may change the value of @@identity. This global variable should only change after a insert, select into, or bcp.


Incorrect ordering could be returned for a multi-column ORDER BY nested loop join query whose inner index scan has the same key column sequences as the ORDER BY clause but with different direction on the leading column (i.e. ascending vs. descending).


When installing ASE 15.0.3 GA over ASE 15.0.X release tree, the update/patch option is not available in the setup type screen.


A syntax error is displayed when the instmstr script is executed.


The execution of DBCC CHECKALLOC with the FIX option may delete oam entries that have zero used/unused page counts. When the oam deleted entry is the last oam entry on the current oam page, ASE may mistakenly terminate this command execution without completing the oam cleanup.


EFTS error 20137 occurs when an '1=1' clause is sent to EFTS from ASE.


The admin access account password for secondary LDAP server set through sp_ldapadmin set_secondary_access_acct is stored in cleartext in audit logs when cmdtext auditing is turned on.


Dropping a function based index on a partitioned table results in 11051 error.


If optimization goal is allrows_dss, wrong result could be returned when executing an outer join query with aggregate functions in the SELECT list after the query plan is cached in procedure cache. This problem could occur if statement cache is enabled or the query in question is in a stored procedure.


XPSERVER: On Windows 64 bit platforms, attempts to use xp_cmdshell when "xp_cmdshell context" is configured to the default value of 1 results in exception -1073741819


After loading a dump that contains a procedure that uses a TSQL user-defined function, attempts to execute the procedure raise errors 208 and 913. Using EXECUTE 'procedurename' WITH UPGRADE corrects the problem.


Using RTMS and Java in the same SQL batch can result in an infected with 11 together with a stacktrace being printed in the ASE errorlog. The stacktrace contains the modules 'Cast_UnitextData_to_String' and 'jvmfini'.


Under rare circumstances, some premature out of data space conditions may be hit (1105 error) whereas 'sp_helpdb' shows that free data space is available. Alternatively, for mixed log and data databases, 3475 errors may be raised under the same space usage conditions.


When statement cache and literal autoparam are on, sig11 may occur in s__make_param() when the query contains like clause in derived table expression and there are literals in the like clause and other expressions within derived table expression and there are at least one local variable referenced in the derived table expression.


When you run showplan and checkcatalog in two separate statements, you get totally incorrect huge number result for the server pagesize. When you run them together, it is correctly reported as 2048 bytes. Problem is reproduced on windows only, dbisql or isql. See repro section.


Applications that use query plans having lots of worktables and/or dynamic SQL may hit SIGSEGV in make_negative_obj_id() and may cause one engine to fail.


Wrong Asynchronization strategy caused by erroneous server code caused serious performance degradation on Sun Solaris architectures (Sparc/SparcV9 and X86_64). This problem required code adjusting to be resolved. There is no end-user server administration required.


A new stored procedure sp_compatmode is added to check the conflict configuration options with compatibility mode and raise warning messages accordingly.


User cannot install ASE into a directory when chmod 755 failed.


On Windows platforms, after installing a new Connectivity ESD, ASE may fail to boot with messages: "SSL Plus security module EZ_SECURITY_BUILDER_DSA_MODULE load failed (2030). SSL Plus security module EZ_SECURITY_BUILDER_RSA_MODULE load failed (2031). ... SSL Plus v5.0.4 security modules loaded, 14 errors. Continuing startup without listed modules "


Homogeneus SQL statement replication with multiple tables in the query may not work correctly if the query objects are not prefixed by the owner name.


When loading a jar file containing multiple classes, message 10795, "The file ' < your class > .class' contained in the jar does not represent a valid Java class file." can be raised.


The ASE 15.0.3 installer is missing "SySAM Agent Plugin".



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.3 ESD #1
  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Cluster Edition 15.0


Fix, Patch, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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