When you try to cancel the open quantity of purchase request XYZ item ZZ, you get the error message - Cancellation of purchase req. XYZ-ZZ not possible; item already canceled.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Purchase Requests and Orders work center.
- Select the Purchase Requests view.
- Select the purchase request XYZ item ZZ and choose the option Cancel Open Quantity from the drop down list of Actions Button.
You get the error message - Cancellation of purchase req. XYZ-ZZ not possible; item already canceled.
Even though the open quantity is displayed as XX Quantity, you can see that the Cancelation Status of this purchase request XYZ is Canceled under the general information area in the Purchase Requests view. Hence this Purchase Request cannot be converted to a follow-up Purchase Order.
This is the standard system behavior and system behaves as designed.
See Also
If required you can reopen the canceled quantity by choosing the option Reopen Canceled Quantity from drop-down of action button after selecting purchase request XYZ item ZZ.
KBA , AP-PRP , Purchase Request Processing , How To