- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1.sp200 stack tracing when "num_msgs" is undersized.
- On work load or situation which make RepServer having a lack of Open-Client messages, RepServer report error #1030 and #21 from function "srv_putmsgq()":
H.. THREAD FATAL ERROR #1030 REP AGENT(DBSU1.colis) - /errhand.c(1168) Open Server error: Error: 16016, State: 0, Severity 15 -- 'No free messages.'.
N.. INTERNAL ERROR #21 REP AGENT(DBSU1.colis) - m/sqmext.c(4491) Open server call to routine 'srv_putmsgq' failed.
- After error messages an stack trace is raised with the following functions:
err_raise_syb_lib_my_maps ()
err_raise_syb_lib ()
sqm_write_message ()
_ex_lti_cmd ()
_ex_process_lti_cmd ()
_ex_process_lang ()
ex_lang_handler ()
srv__exechandler ()
srv__runclient ()
srv__start_function ()
_lwp_start ()
- SAP Replication Server 15.7.1 SP200
- Solaris SPARC 64bit platform
num_msgqueues, CR773113, 773113 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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