- CSMD Engines command on ASE 157 in threaded mode shows "Diag status: halt not recv'd, running" when configured to halt engines
- sp_shmdumpconfig shows that the CSMD is configured to halt engines:
Timeslice ---
Type: csmd
Maximum Dumps: 1
Dumps since boot: 0
Halt Engines: Default (Halt)
Cluster: Default (Local)
Page Cache: Omit
Procedure Cache: Include
Unused Space: Omit
Dump Directory: /syssyback/sybcsmd
Dump File Name: memdump_timeslice.dmp
Estimated csmd Size: 5035 MB
- However, output from the Engines command shows "Diag status: halt not recv'd, running":
******** ENGINE Structure (0x1615e08a0) ********
Engine Number 2
Running on OS thread 1029
Engine addr 0x1615e08a0 estatus: 4,epid: 0,ekpid: 6750260
estarttime.dtdays: 41915,estarttime.dttime: 12180639
estoptime.dtdays: 0,estoptime.dttime: 0
epaffinitied: 29,eprunnableqs: 0x0
eprunnable: 0,epschedflags: 0x400
epmaxscheds: 0,epscheduler: 0x0
eplastkpid: 0,epkcheck: 0
edefq: 0x0
eaclktick_qcoma: 0,eniodone: 0
edissuehd: 0x0,edissuetl: 0x0
edpollhd: 0x0,edpolltl: 0x0
ednactiveios: 0
eachkioticks: 0,essockets: 95716
eschecknet: 0,esybsndmsgsock: -1
ectpending: 0, ectcount: 0
ejscount: 0, enlengine: 0x0,enlstate: 0x0
enwtcount: 0, eheartbeat: 176939904
enetController: 0
elastsig_kpid: 812581519
elastsig_addr: 0x10069c680 OptPool::_PoolReclaimLegacyArray.fdpr.chunk.1(st_virtual**,int,int,int)+0xa0
eSIGSEGV_addr: 0x0
ecsi_rsactxt: 16360c730, ecsi_rsactxt3: 16360f090, ecsi_aesctxt: 163612e30, ecsi_shactxt: 16361dbd0
ecsi_rsaprof: 16360d190, ecsi_rsaprof3: 163611130, ecsi_aesprof: 1636154d0, ecsi_shaprof: 16361fa10
e_enGfactory = 0x0
ertms_dll_hdl: 0x0
eqcount: 0, ertms_procs: 0x0
Diag status: halt not recv'd, running
SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
shared memory dump, engines helted, no_halt , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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