- A developer has left the company and the SySAM served license he has been using needs to be assigned to someone new.
- Uninstalling PB from the machine of the employee who left the company did not release the license.
- If uninstalling PowerBuilder does not release the license, is there a way to release it so it can be used for another developer?
- SAP PowerBuilder (PB) 12.5
- SAP PowerBuilder (PB) 12.6
- SAP Infomaker (IM) 12.5
- SAP Infomaker (IM) 12.6
Sybase Software Asset Management (SySAM) all versions
SAP InfoMaker 12.5 ; SAP InfoMaker 12.6 ; SAP PowerBuilder 12.5 ; SAP PowerBuilder 12.6 ; Sybase Software Asset Management all versions
SySAM, lmutil, lmborrow , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , BC-SYB-IM , InfoMaker , How To
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