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2088673 - ReorgExecutor: 2978: Create index failed - BWA


While creating the BIA indexes for an InfoCube you are encountering an error → Creation of logical index '<InfoCube Name>' terminated

In TrexNameServerAlert_<host>.trc files there is the following error message present:

[1154652480] 2014-10-28 15:59:59.392 e reorg : ReorgExecutor: 2978: Create index failed;split event for ba1_bec:fzac_r57 on agrwwar07:30003 failed



SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.20
SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.00


BIA, SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator, TREXADMIN, TREX_ADMIN, ReorgExecutor: PlanOperation  SplitIndex  for index, exe/python_support/,  LRCmdExec.cpp,  TREXNameServer.cpp, SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.20, SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.00, SLG1, RSDDB, RSDDV, TrexNameServerAlert_.trc, initial reorg temporary, ReorgExecutor: 2978: Create index failed;split Event for: , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , BW-BEX-OT-BIA , BW Accelerator , Problem

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