You have activated RE-FX.
After performing an upgrade from Release R/3 Enterprise Extension 2.0 also known as 470x200 to Release ERP 2004, ERP 2005 or a subsequent Release the transactions for CO settlement FO8C and FO3C are causing different issues.
Processing transaction FO8C or FO3C in foreground:
- error message KD205 "Maintain the settlement rule of the sender"
Processing transaction FO3C in background:
- execution stops and message KS139 "No selection found based on the given criteria" is shown in the log
EA-APPL | 500 |
EA-APPL | 600 - 616 |
EA-FIN | 617 and higher |
SAP_FIN | 618 and higher |
S4CORE | 100 and higher |
FO8C, FO3B, FO3C, RECOSESNG, RECOSEVAR, CO settlement, CO Abrechnung , KBA , RE-FX-CO , Real Estate Controlling , How To
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