- The Top Job Searches page is continually and automatically updated with search terms that candidates have used that have brought them to this site. This is a combination of terms that candidates have searched for pre-ranked pages (for example, Strategy and Support pages) or for new unranked pages (Keyword and SEO pages).
Example page:
This has a cumulative SEO effect: a term that is searched is presented here, and then indexed by search engines again. The next time that a new candidate searches for the same or similar term, the previous candidate's search is now used to bring that candidate in.
But, there may be search terms of words appearing here that are inappropriate for a given customer. Typically, these terms will get de-ranked and filtered out automatically (the vast majority of inappopriate terms come from automated searching), but some may persist and may have a negative impact on the overall perception of the site. Some of these terms can be:
- Sexual, racially or culturally inappropriate (XXX, porno, sex, etc)
- Terms that point to competitors (Starbucks Coffee having search terms for Caribou Coffee, etc)
- Terms that inexplicably relate to other companies (not neccessarily competitors) (General Electric having search terms for Nike)\
- Political terms (Republican, Democrat, Green, etc)
- Consistent repeated variations of terms (coffee jobs, cofffeeee jobs, coffffeeee jobs)
- Code or attempted cross-site scripting code
- Recruiting Marketing
- There are two options to correct this issue. Please submit a ticket and give the offending phrase, as well as which preferred option below you'd like the Customer Success team to execute.
- Phrase Filter Back
Phrases can be filtered to the back of search results. This is useful because rarely do candidates look at this page, but it's even more incredibly rare that candidates look at the back or last pages of the Top Job Searches. Filtering a phrase to be at the back of these pages will remove the problems with seeing and perceiving these search terms on the first page.
- Phrase Filter Out
Phrases can also be completely filtered out, as well. This completely removes the offending instance, as well as any other instance of that search term through all of the Top Job Search pages.
Both of these solutions can be implemented quickly and immediately for a term, though it may take 1-2 weeks for our system to automatically filter these phrases out (Top Job Searches isn't updated on a real-time basis).
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