You may see this error in several situations, for example when performing an EHP upgrade, you find an error similar to the one below:
Detected the following errors:
# /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/abap/log/DBCLONE<n>.<SID>:
3 ETGCLN DROP TABLE "<tablename>~"
3 ETGCLN CREATE TABLE "<tablename>~" ...
3 ETGCLN CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "<tablename>~0" on "<tablename>~" ...
1EETGCLN ORA-0955: name is already used by an existing object
1EETGCLN <tablename>
1EETGCLN Error when cloning table structure
When you check file DBCLONE<n>.<SID>, you may see one or more objects involved with this error.
This can also occur when activating an object, performing a transport or a data load to name a few.
- Any SAP system
- Any Oracle release
- Any OS platform
EHP upgrade sum swpm sapinst tp r3load MAIN_SHDCRE/SUBMOD_SHDDBCLONE/DBCLONE shadow wrong used taken , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BC-EHP-INS , Please use BC-UPG-TLS* , Problem
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