Experiencing processing errors or irregular behaviour on the DTP steps of Process Chains.
- SAP NetWeaver - all versions
- SAP BW/4HANA - all versions
QMACTION, QM status, QM action, Automatisms, automatism, automatic, Overall status, reporting, status manager, TSTATE, RSBKREQUEST, X000, CL_RSSM_STATMAN_TARGET_ODSO, CL_RSSM_STATMAN_TARGET_CUBE, IF_RSBK_REQUEST_OBSERVER~UPDATE_STATUS_TABLES, red, unsuccessful, RZ20, RSBATCH_CHECK_PROCESS, RSBATCHCTRL, RSBATCHHEADER, callback, SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP, quality status process, STATE = G, ACTUAL_STATE = A, Process Request by Request, Child Job, subsequent steps not started in process chain, setting process, IF_RSPC_EXECUTE~EXECUTE, CL_RSSM_QMSTATUS, request-based processing, subordinate job, ACTUAL_STATE = J, RSPC_DELETING_JOBS, RSPC_MISSING_JOBS, ACTUAL_STATE = X , ACTUAL_STATE = 'J', ACTUAL STATE J, Process hangs in Yellow, Process green, Overall status = Red, Data transfer process, cl_rsbk_request, IF_RSBK_REQUEST~SET_USTATE_GREEN, get_th_requid_new, cl_rsbk_request_state, instance, MESSAGE_TYPE_X, SAPLRSPC_BACKEND, RSPC_PROCESS_FINISH, Batch, Background, ADSO, program-based setting, CL_RSBM_LOG_DTP, ODP, CL_RSDS_X_CMD, IF_RSBK_CMD_X~IS_DATAPACKAGE_AVAILABLE, Asynchronous, Program saplrs_general running, (DTPs) hangs in Table or Program SAPLSENA , Performance Problem due to 1 taking long time to Finish, program saplrs_general running , odp extraction runtime worsening , long running dtp , KBA , undefined , BW-WHM-DST-PC , Process Chains , BW-WHM-DST-DTP , Data Transfer Process , BW4-DM-PC , Process Chains , Problem
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