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2093666 - Syntax error in SAPLSUU6


During an Enhancement Package Installation or an SP update using SUM in Single System Mode the phase XPRA_TRANS may return with errors due to short dumps referencing SAPLSUU6. If you logon at this point to the ABAP system you will encounter the same short dump. The target release of the update includes the package of SAP_BASIS 740 SP7 or 7.31 SP12.

The same short dump appears when performing certain actions, like start of transaction SU01, etc..

The most common error is:
The current ABAP program "SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION_MODULES" had to be terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
In include "LSUU6TOP ", in line 34 of program "SAPLSUU6 ", the following syntax errors have occurred:
Type "VSUSR_USBAPILINK" is unknown



SAP_Basis 740
SAP_Basis 731


CL_SUID_CUA===================CP SUSR_ZBV_LANDSCAPE_GET Syntaxfehler, dump, upgrade, sum, VSUSR_USBAPILINK, VUSZBVLNDSC, VSUSR_USZBVLNDRC, VUSRFLDSEL syntax_error , KBA , BC-SEC-USR-ADM , Users and Authorization administration , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem

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