User has a Sybase Unwired Platform simple cluster (2 Servers and one database server). When they upgraded the Sybase Unwired Server cluster from 2.1.3 to Sybase Unwired Platform 2.2 and then to SAP Mobile Platform 2.3.4, the upgrade was successful and all users are functioning properly, but the secondary SAP Mobile Platform server log is showing a repetative error message:
2014-11-01 13:32:12.043 WARN MMS Thread-382 [] [] [] Login Failed: user 'admin@system'
2014-11-01 13:32:12.053 WARN MMS Thread-382 [com.sybase.djc.rmi.iiop.server.MessageHandler] [] [] System exception: client host = java.lang.SecurityException: Login Failed: user 'admin@system'
- Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1.3 upgraded to SAP Mobile Platform 2.3.4
- SAP Mobile Platform simple custer (One database server and 2 SAP Mobile Platform servers)
- Windows 2008
- Windows device clients
- sup.imo.upa
- admin@system
- upgrade
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