A new button has been added to the Performance Assistant in order to enable context sensitive SAP Notes and KBAs search.
Caution: Due to changes in SAP Note Search and the switchover from RFC to the Web service, the search described here is possible following the implementation of SAP Notes/Knowledge Base articles only as of SAP_BASIS 740.
Implement the correction using the Note Assistant or import the relevant support package. In addition, implement the following SAP Note if it is not already implemented in your system.
- 2730525 ->> mandatory, since it provides the Web service API
SAP Netweaver systems with SAP Gui interface
PANKS is released with note 2020356, in the following SAP_BASIS patches:
Release Package name
700 SAPKB70032
701 SAPKB70117
702 SAPKB70217
710 SAPKB71020
711 SAPKB71115
730 SAPKB73013
731 SAPKB73115
740 SAPKB74010
performance assitant , KBA , BC-DOC-HLP , F1-Help , How To
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Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search.