SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2096765 - Composite note for hanging Infopackage processes in Process Chains


You are experiencing processing errors or irregular behaviour on the Infopackage steps of your Process Chains.



SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse


SAP NetWeaver all versions


synchronously, synchronous, IPAK, asynchronous, parallel, parallelization, RSDMD*217, RSDMD*218, Masterdata, Treatment of warnings, Yellow, Traffic light, request, too early, icon_green_light, RSBATCH, RSPC_GET_DEVIATION, runtime deviation, Computing Center Management System, Subsequent steps, third party, source system, Hierarchy, data loading, BCS, unassigned node, SEM-BCS, BI_PROCESS_ODSACTIVAT, BI_PROCESS_LOADING, BI_PROCESS_DTP_LOAD, BI_PROCESS_PSAPROCESS, ERROR_MESSAGE, message 00564, R7105, red, green, yellow, hanging, hangs, stops, trigger, overall status, RSD_HTTABS_GET_FOR_CHA_BAS, I_CHABASNM, initial, RSPC_DELETING_JOBS, RSPC_MISSING_JOBS, White, ACTUAL_STATE = X, Always, ACTUAL_STATE = 'J', ACTUAL_STATE = J, ACTUAL STATE J , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-PC , Process Chains , BW-WHM-DST , Data Staging , Problem

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