When replicating identity column with MSA, errors 585, 20516 and 20314 are seen:
ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(108(1)DS.DB) - dsiqmint.c(4806) Message from server: Message: 585, State 1, Severity 16 --
'Explicit value must be specified for identity field in table 'trade_version' when IDENTITY_INSERT or IDENTITY_UPDATE is ON.'.
ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(108(1)DS.DB) - dsiqmint.c(4806) Message from server: Message: 20516, State 1, Severity 16 --
''TRADE_VERSION' TABLE OPERATION: No insert of the specified row occurred (unique id = '709653654' + '1') - continuing.'.
ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(108(1)DS.DB) - dsiqmint.c(4806) Message from server: Message: 20314, State 1, Severity 16 --
'INSERT ABORTED ON TRADE_VERSION table: Problem with auto trade generation'.
THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI EXEC(108(1)DS.DB) - dsiqmint.c(4819) The DSI thread for database 'DS.DB is being shutdown. DSI received data server error #585 which is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data server errors for more information.
The data server error was caused by output command #0 mapped from input command #0 of the failed transaction.
The DSI thread for database 'DS.DB' is shutdown.
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1 SP102
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7.0 ESD#04
repserver, dsi_keep_triggers , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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