- Recently upgraded SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) from version 15.0.2 to version 15.0.3.
- The installmaster script not run following the upgrade.
- Getting the following error when executing the sp_reptostandby stored procedure in the active ASE to activate replication from the active database to the Replication Server.
1> sp_reptostandby db1, 'all'
2> go
Msg 11021, Level 16, State 2: Server 'MYSERVER', Procedure 'sp_reptostandby',
Line 231: Function GETDBREPSTAT invoked with wrong number or type of argument(s).
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- SAP Replication Server (SRS)
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions ; SAP Replication Server all versions
instmstr , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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