SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2097392 - SMP: After attempting to change the DBA password SMP Fails to start


  1. Follow the documentation to change the default DBA password
  2. Attempting to start the SMP Application Tier fails
  3. The following entries are logged in the bootstrap log:
    014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN    MMS          main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: SQL Anywhere Error -103: Invalid user ID or password
    2014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN    MMS          main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: 010HA: The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature.  Please reconfigure your database, or do not request a high-availability session.
    2014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN    MMS          main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: SQL Anywhere Error -103: Invalid user ID or password
    2014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN    MMS          main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: 010HA: The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature.  Please reconfigure your database, or do not request a high-availability session.
    2014-11-19 08:52:04.009 ERROR   MMS          main [com.sybase.djc.mobilink.StartServer] [] [] failed to check product patch level.
    com.sybase.sup.server.util.TxUtils$InvokeException: com.sybase.djc.DataStoreException: Connection Failed: java.sql.SQLException: JZ00L: Login failed.  Examine the SQLWarnings chained to this exception for the reason(s).



  • SMP (SAP Mobile Platform) 2.3


SAP Mobile Platform 2.3


KBA , MOB-SUP-SCC , Sybase Control Center Administration , Problem

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