- Follow the documentation to change the default DBA password
- Attempting to start the SMP Application Tier fails
- The following entries are logged in the bootstrap log:
014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN MMS main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: SQL Anywhere Error -103: Invalid user ID or password
2014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN MMS main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: 010HA: The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature. Please reconfigure your database, or do not request a high-availability session.
2014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN MMS main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: SQL Anywhere Error -103: Invalid user ID or password
2014-11-19 08:52:04.006 WARN MMS main [com.sybase.djc.sql.DataSource:clusterdb] [] [] java.sql.SQLWarning: 010HA: The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature. Please reconfigure your database, or do not request a high-availability session.
2014-11-19 08:52:04.009 ERROR MMS main [com.sybase.djc.mobilink.StartServer] [] [] failed to check product patch level.
com.sybase.sup.server.util.TxUtils$InvokeException: com.sybase.djc.DataStoreException: Connection Failed: java.sql.SQLException: JZ00L: Login failed. Examine the SQLWarnings chained to this exception for the reason(s).
- SMP (SAP Mobile Platform) 2.3
SAP Mobile Platform 2.3
KBA , MOB-SUP-SCC , Sybase Control Center Administration , Problem
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