EPM Add-in Member Selector Stops working suddenly with no reason after certain time of use.
This is the list of differnt symptoms you may face :
- available members are longer listed
- even if the members are visible it is NOT possible to select them or to expand the hierarchy using the "+" button
- a Filter appears to be in place, although none was selected by the user
It is possible to remove members from the Right Hand (selected members) panel BUT it is not possible to select any additional members from the Left Hand (available members) panel
The ONLY way to correct this issue is to logout of BPC and close down Excel completely.
EPM Add-in SP17 and above.
SP18 brings first part of correction. And SP19 patch 1 brings full correction.
member, selector, epm, add-in, stop, stops, working, empty, select, tick, filter , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , EPM-XLS , EPM Excel Client , Bug Filed
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