ERROR #12029 happens while trying to create a subscription to HANA database:
I.. REPLICATE Replication Server: Creating subscription <subscription_name_sub> for replication definition <subscription_name_rdef> with replicate at <HANA_DB.RDB>
I.. PRIMARY Replication Server: Creating subscription <subscription_name_sub> for replication definition <subscription_name_rdef> with replicate at <HANA_DB.RDB>
T.. (374): Command(s) to 'RA_SERVER.PDB':
T.. (374): 'ra_srvsession pds_autocommit, false'
T.. (374): Command(s) to 'RA_SERVER.PDB':
T.. (374): 'pdb_execute_sql "select count (*) from RandomData_tbl " '
T.. (374): Command(s) to 'RA_SERVER.PDB':
T.. (374): 'ra_marker "validate subscription 0x01000065800005a0"'
T.. (374): Command(s) to 'RA_SERVER.PDB':
T.. (374): 'pdb_execute_sql "commit"'
I.. REPLICATE Replication Server: Subscription <subscription_name_sub> is MATERIALIZED.
E.. ERROR #12029 GLOBAL RS(GLOBAL RS) - generic\exc\excext.c(361) Internal error. Attempted to free a resource chain with resources.
T.. (374): Chain: 0x126cc638p, Owner: 0x126cc600p
T.. (374): Ele: 0x64184810p, Type: 2, Cleanup: 0x3f863bf0p, Class: 0, Res: 0x129845b0p, Line: 599, File: 'eneric\sub\sub_mat.c'.
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1 SP203
- SAP Replication Agent for Unix & Windows 15.7.1 SP202
- SAP HANA on Linux with 650 GB of RAM - (NewDB100_REL)
12029, materializing, memory , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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