SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2099192 - "SYBMULTBUF WARNING: Cannot use Asynchronous I/O for database device..." on VxFs file system on HPIA64 - SAP ASE


  • When trying to dump a database
  • Getting the following warning messages related to Asynchronous I/O :

D00: SYBMULTBUF WARNING: Cannot use Asynchronous I/O for database device '/sybdata/folha01_dat' because either the device type does not allow it or because the Adaptive Server Enterprise is using Synchronous I/O.  Backup Server is using Synchronous I/O for this device which will cause significant performance degradation.
D00: Attempting direct I/O for device '/sybdata/folha01_dat'

D00: SYBMULTBUF WARNING: Cannot use Asynchronous I/O for database device '/syblog/folha01_log' because either the device type does not allow it or because the Adaptive Server Enterprise is using Synchronous I/O.  Backup Server is using Synchronous I/O for this device which will cause significant performance degradation.
D00: Attempting direct I/O for device '/syblog/folha01_log'



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
  •  HPIA64


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7


-D1024, trace, flag, traceflag, Async, DIO, Direct,  CIO, Concurrent, IO, performance, support, Posix , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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