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2099495 - ASSERTION_FAILED dump in CL_RSSH_DTP_UPDATE during hierarchy update in a DTP


The following dump happens, when a hierarchy is loaded with a Data Transfer Process:

at line:
READ TABLE l_th_htabs ASSIGNING <l_s_htabs> WITH TABLE KEY objectid = l_objectid.

In the dump overview the internal table l_th_htabs contains a record where the field OBJECTID is initial:

or at line:

126 LOOP AT l_th_htabs ASSIGNING <l_s_htabs>.
127 l_s_hiedircom = cl_rssh_hierarchy_base=>move_to_hiedircom( <l_s_htabs>-s_hiedir ).
128 * fill the iobjnm of the hierarchy
129 l_s_hiedircom-iobjnm = iobjnm.
130 l_s_hiedircom-request = i_r_package->n_requid.
131 l_s_hiedircom-tstpnm = sy-uname.
132 GET TIME STAMP FIELD l_s_hiedircom-timestmp.
134 ASSIGN <l_s_htabs>-r_htab->* TO <l_t_htab>.
>>>>> ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.



  • SAP NetWeaver BW 7.30
  • SAP NetWeaver BW 7.31
  • SAP NetWeaver BW 7.40
  • SAP NetWeaver BW 7.50


SAP BW/4HANA all versions ; SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3


Update hiearchy, dump, cancellation, abort, RSBK257, RSBK 257 , KBA , BW-WHM-DBA-HIER , Hierarchy Processing , BW-WHM-DST-DTP , Data Transfer Process , BW4-DM-DTP , ABAP Orchestration of Data Transfer Process , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , BW4-DM-TRFN , SAP HANA execution in Transformation and DTP , BW4-DM-HIER , Hierarchies , Problem

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