You set up system replication and get following alert in HANA studio.
ReplicationError with state INFO with event ID 10 occurred at <time> on <host>:<port>.
Additional info: inifile mismatch for site 2: statisticsserver.ini/SYSTEM/[statisticsserver_parameter_THRESHOLD_CHECK_DISK_SPACE_WARNING_LEVEL_1]/formula = 80
ReplicationError with state INFO with event ID 11 occurred at <time> on <host>:<port>.
Additional info: parameter mismatch (existence): global.ini//[memorymanager]/global_allocation_limit = '350000' exists only on site 2
ReplicationError with state INFO with event ID 1033 occurred at <time> on <host>:<port>.
Additional info: parameter mismatch (existence): global.ini/system/[table_placement]/same_num_partitions = 'true' exists only on site 1
- HANA 1.0
- HANA 2.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
system replication, HA, configuration, mismatch, global_allocation_limit, memorymanager, INIFILE CHECKER, primary, secondary; Alert id 21; Internal event; Alert "Internal event" (id 21); , KBA , HAN-DB-MON , SAP HANA Monitoring , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , How To
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