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2100617 - Errors 10330, 17509, 18033, 18806 due to threshold ownership - SAP ASE


Ownership inconsistencies for ASE database thresholds may result in any of various errors including:

  • If the threshold owner does not have permission to execute the threshold procedure:

    Error: 10330, Severity: 14, State: 1
    EXECUTE permission denied on object sp_thresholdaction, database sybsystemprocs, owner dbo
    Threshold procedure 'sp_thresholdaction' returned an error indication (@status=-4) when called for database 'mydb', segment 'logsegment', free_space 4611686018427393024.
  • When attempting to remove a login from ASE when that login owns a database threshold:

    Msg 17509, Level 16, State 1:
    Server 'SYBASE', Procedure 'sp_droplogin', Line 146:
    User exists or is an alias or is a database owner in at least one database. Drop the user or the alias, or change the database ownership before dropping the login.
  • When attempting to remove a user from a given database when that user owns a database threshold:

    Msg 18033, Level 16, State 1:
    Server 'SYBASE', Procedure 'sp_dropuser', Line 354:
    You cannot drop user because user 'myuser' owns thresholds in database.
    Segment name Free pages
    ------------------------------ -----------
    logsegment 15016
  • When attempting to remove a user alias from a given database when that alias owns a database threshold:

    Msg 18806, Level 16, State 1:
    Server 'SYBASE', Procedure 'sp_dropalias', Line 183:
    You cannot drop the alias for login 'myuser' because 'myuser' owns thresholds in the database.
    Segment name Free pages
    ------------------------------ -----------
    logsegment 261136



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) all versions


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions


systhresholds,  sp_modifythreshold , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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