After compiling an SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) project, it would not run by the server. The server logfile contains the following error:
An internal error has occurred. Type '$!_type_88' in section '$~RiskFactor' refers to unknown type '$!_type_87'An internal error has occurred. CompiledStream(RiskFactor) VmLogic(l_RiskFactor_RiskFactorData) the label '$~RiskFactor/$~RiskFactor_OnInput_RiskFactorData' is undefined.Read more...
- SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) 5.1 SP04
- SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) 5.1 SP08
SAP Event Stream Processor 5.1
ESP internal error compiler typedef dictionary , KBA , BC-SYB-ESP , Sybase ESP (Event Stream Processor) , Bug Filed
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