SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2101208 - First connection attempt from clients takes more time, after the network configuration of the SQL Anywhere server has changed (i.e. server name, IP address or port)


  • The network configuration of the SQL Anywhere server has changed (i.e. server name, IP address or port)
  • After this change, the first connection attempt of each client require additional few seconds to connect.
  • Every following connection, from the client is establish quickly.
  • Configuration of client/server uses the BROADCAST (UDP) feature of SQL Anywhere.

Why is there is a different between the connection from the first connection (after the change) and every following connection attempt?



  • SAP SQL Anywhere 16
    SAP SQL Anywhere 12
    Sybase SQL Anywhere 11
    Sybase SQL Anywhere 10


SAP SQL Anywhere all versions ; Sybase SQL Anywhere 10.0 ; Sybase SQL Anywhere 11.0


KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , Problem

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