Syndication fails. MDSS_Log reports something similar to:
AutoSyndication.cpp Line 544: Could not execute the query. RC =0xffaae000, RepTag = material_prd <MDP [Oracle]>, MDS host =01@xxxyyy, Agency = MDC_ERP, TaskID = 8, type = MAN
When you open the problematic map, "Error performing search" message appears in the Syndicator GUI.
MDM Release Independent
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management
0xFFAAE000 (RC_CM_MASKNOTFOUND) mask syndication map syndicator MDSS saved searches named deleted Note 1516335 Fail to syndicate Error performing search MDM 2.0, MDM 3.0, MDM 5.5, MDM 7.1 , KBA , MDM-FN-SYN , Syndicator , MDM-FN-SYN-SRV , Server , MDM-FN-SYN-CLT , Windows Clients , Problem
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