How do I create a custom filter to be applied to WFA reports with measures?
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SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics
- Select the desired measure and locate the Filters section, in the UI. In this case, we will use EOP Headcount:
- Select the criteria through the Time, Report By, Limit By, Filter By or Benchmark menus. In this example, we are Reporting By Location = North America, and Analyzing by All Ages.
- Once the desired filter has been selected, you can choose to save it by selecting Saved Filters > Save Active Filter Profile and then giving it a name.
You can choose to set it as the Default filter if you'd like.
- You should see this newly created filter under Saved Filters. To apply this newly created filter to a report, select the Filter from the Filters drop-down list:
In the Filter Profile Editor screen, the sort order of the saved filters is by numeric or alphabetical sequence (Ascending). The Saved Filters drop-down selection, will follow an alphanumeric sequence starting b1902, currently it shows the most recently saved one on top.
This is only applicable to WFA and NOT to BizX Data source reports (ORD / Report - Canvas)
WFA, saved, filters, filter, profiles, Workforce, Analytics, custom, new, save, change , KBA , sf wfp_a , LOD-SF-WFA-WA , Workforce Anaytics , How To
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