- SAP Replication Server Option for Microsoft SQL Server (RSO) 15.7.1.sp200 (up to sp203) replicate wrong value for primary key on MS SQL Server compressed table.
- When a compressed table has a primary key column as “identity” which is not in first position in column list, Replication-Agent for MS SQL Server (RSO) does not handle correctly the value to replicate.
- This cause a wrong value to be replicated in “where” clause of “Update” statement.
- SAP Replication Server Option for Microsoft SQL Server (RSO) 15.7.1 SP203 under Windows platform
- SAP Replication Agent for Unix & Windows 15.7.1 SP203
SAP Sybase Replication Server 15.7, option for Microsoft SQL Server
CR772429, 772429 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-RSO , Rep Server Options (RSO) , Bug Filed
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